Vintage PC Collection on Ebay 4 sale!!

Pudney@work said:
Simple, shove the stuff on a pallet, wrap it up so it doesn't move around, put into a truck via a forklift, take to a plane, fly it over, put onto another truck then drive it to delivery address. Then start swearing blindly as the driver realises you actually have no way getting it off the truck and didn't think the purchase through properly


I think the only computers my bro and i shared were a Commador 64 and a BBC. after that my brother had a 286 and then a 486 DX4 100. My first pc was a 386 something or other, cant really remember. I then had a K6 166 clocked to a 188 (hard core :D). then a K6-4 450, then an athlon 900 and now my A64 3700+ :D

Leaps and bounds each time tbf. good memories though - apart from trying to fix the old computers ( K6 upwards) was a nightmare!

I think the best thing i ever bought though, was my Voodoo banshee 16MB. GL Quake. Awsome!
Big Chris said:
Check this out then :D. Would love to find an emulator of some kind and download them off this site.

Haha, I have no need, still have our old BBC Micro B, kept purely so I can still play the original Elite and those Repton games. Think when I get home I may dig em out and play them for a bit!
James H said:
What a heap of junk, who'd pay for all that.
I would and I'd open a museum.

No actually, it'd all go out the back room with all the other electronic junk and computer scrap I've "collected"
interesting comments in the decription

BBC acorn rare popular computer

how can it be rare if it was popular nearly every body and thier dog had one

I wonder what voltage they are, US/Can are 110vac
woodsy2k said:
OMFG! The Original Elite! awsome times had there!
I remember going to the PCW show at the Barbican in London on the day it was released and scouring the whole show for somewhere that had a 5.25 disk version of it left (loads of cassette ones left).

Brought it home and spent the next few days on it pretty much solid.

Still have the game in the original box with all original bits.
lordedmond said:
how can it be rare if it was popular nearly every body and thier dog had one

Erm, because most of them got chucked away/no longer work and hence they are now rare in today's world and not in the world of the 80s :confused:
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