Vinyl lovers , what are you spinning ?

I'm not sure what you are saying ? :)
my question was more aimed at james73 with his (looks like) newer sex-pistols + SO vinyl
(sacriligious but) for some of the new vinyl I think the >96Khz streamed/sacd digital copies maybe as good ?
they are still demanding a premium for new vinyl so my purchase decisions are careful.

(btw I don't recognise the rega deck in a wooden surround and the 45 insert back left)
so do you consult online reviews , before purchase of new vinyl - where ?
a quick search could not find anything on Steve Hoffmann about sex pistols re-master - but for classic albums, latest were Electric Ladyland, Quadrophenia.
I try and confirm it will be OK sonically versus a CD, or sacd/blu-ray higher bitrate versions.
Hoffman, Vinyl Engine, Audiokarma. There's a few other forums as well.

(btw I don't recognise the rega deck in a wooden surround and the 45 insert back left)
It's a mid 1990s Planar 3 with a custom made wood surround. The 45 adapter isn't inserted into the plinth.

James H
Have you changed to ceramic bearings, or had any work/maintenance on the rb300 arm ?
I have had the bearing kit in my ebay basket forever, and if I used it more frequently, may do that.

(thanks for web site list .. see universal site , I have used before, have some deals)
It's a RB250 arm I'm using that was strip polished, foam filled and rewired by Audio Origami. I still have my RB300 which I rewired myself. I've got the Groovetracer Reference Subplatter, which came with a zirconia ball bearing. The platter is the Groovetracer Delrin one. I've also got a PEEK bearing sleeve instead of the default Rega brass one. The motor is a Premotec DC motor controlled by an Origin Live motor control board powered by a Maplin AC -9V AC PSU. The motor is detached from the plinth and sits on a Michael Lim motor isolation base.

Basically, only the lid and plinth are the original components!

James H
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Hoffman, Vinyl Engine, Audiokarma. There's a few other forums as well.
(thanks for web site list .. see universal site , I have used before, have some deals)
I should've qualified that reply I gave a bit better. Audiokarma is mostly (but not exclusively) an American site. Vinyl Engine is a UK-based forum. Hoffman, I think, is also American. But in terms of where you get the best info regarding the (often inconsistent) quality of new pressings, I'd say IME the Hoffman forums tend to be slightly better and more in depth.

However, Discogs shouldn't be forgotten in this discussion, even though I forgot it... You do have to take a lot it on there with more than a pinch of salt though as you get a lot of "brand new pressing skips! replacement also skipped at the same place on the record!" which is more than likely to be #Crosley, or Crosley-clone, owning reviewers.

#Don't get me started....

James H
Record store day soon , has anything caught your eye ? i'm thinking i'll go for the Soundgarden A sides album , as a side note i see AC/DC are bring back the "back in black " album on TAPE !
Record store day soon , has anything caught your eye ? i'm thinking i'll go for the Soundgarden A sides album , as a side note i see AC/DC are bring back the "back in black " album on TAPE !
Love 'hands all over'

Bought and framed pearl jam - ten and pink floyd - dark side of the moon for my brothers birthday last week
NIN - the downward spiral was £34 in hmv :eek:
Great thread. Is vinyl making a comeback? I was in my local Sainsbury’s the other day and they have loads of vinyl!!!

I couldn’t believe it. The Beatles, Dire Straits, Prince, loads of it. I could understand in specialist music shops but it was a huge surprise to find racks of vinyl in Sainsbury’s! They was even selling little home turntables.

I must admit, I do miss the warm sound. Brothers in arms has never sounded as good on cd and stream as it did on vinyl. Just so warm.
just me who plays vinyl then ? :)



Nah............................been playing Vinyl for the last 50 years. First deck was a Garrard SP25 MKII, then a Technics SL150 with an SME 3009 arm and nowdays a Michell Orbe SE with an SME V arm. And by the way i bought Thick as a Brick when it was released :D
That setup screams lots of £££££££’s

Michell Orb Se, SME V, Dynavector P75 MK3. Dynavector DV-20X2L, Audio Suspension platform, Airlink CBS3000UK balanced power supply, Naim Flatcap XS, Naim CD5 XS, Nait XS2, Spendor A9.

I'll leave you to do the maths ;)
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