Virgin media TV box is soooooo bad.

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
We moved from Sky to Virgin recently and we can't get over how terrible the Virgin TV box is. Menu navigation is painfully slow. The resolution of the menus is low and looks crap too.

I hadn't realised how superior a Sky + box is. Virgin push to be the fastest with Internet and their broadband is brilliant but their TV is offensively bad.

I wish Sky could have provided good broadband in our new address because this is pump!
Standard box or tivo? My old tivo ran rings around my new sky+ box. Quicker, more tuners, more reliable when recording(that's more an issue with sky broadband though...) much much better at knowing where you actually want to play from when you fast forward/rewind. don't have to start downloading something from on demand before you start watching it. Didn't impact on my broadband when downloading shows because it had its own dedicated 10mb line, unlike my sky+ box...

Go figure, heh. Wouldn't think twice about leaving sky for virgin if virgin supplied this area.
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It's a tivo. Records 3 things at once. I dunno if I'm expecting too much or if it's duff but it's horrendously bad in comparison to sky. Sky's TV guide, it's channel selection and it's interface is just far more responsive and better looking. This tivo makes a stupid beep noose every time you change channel too.

I watch far less tv since getting it because it just frustrates me. Takes forever to come out of standby and be usable too. It has a Netflix channel too which is downright slow as hell.
The Tivo boxes are painfully slow, we've got one in the front room and my V+ box upstairs is like lightening compared to it also they removed the ability to skip full pages in the epg which seems stupid.
Again, I've used both and cannot stand the TiVo. It's painful to use. It's good that it has Netflix and things, but there's rumours that the new sky q box is going to include streaming services.
Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome, but I actually much prefer TiVo now. Had it for 18 months and find it much better for recording and viewing. Some of it is quite slow like on demand services, but I found these poor on my sky+ box too. At least TiVo seems like it's fully integrated with interactive services rather than tacked on the existing EPG.
The Tivo boxes are painfully slow, we've got one in the front room and my V+ box upstairs is like lightening compared to it also they removed the ability to skip full pages in the epg which seems stupid.

Mine skips full pages!!

Sky box is better laid out for on demand, boxsets and movies etc, but the ability to record 3 channels at the same time is really missed when on sky.
The Tivo box is a huge improvement over V+, but still nowhere near the Sky+ box. Considering the Virgin boxes are supposed to have their own connection to online services it's worse than trying to access the same content on my rather poor 3G signal.
I miss 2 features from the Tivo+ box:

  • Record 3 channels at once
  • That when you fast forward, it skips back a bit to just before where you pushed play meaning you don't miss the first 5 seconds of what you were watching

For everything else, the Sky+ box is (IMO) far superior
Hmm reading this thread has me worried. I cancelled my Sky sub last week. I have my broadband through Virgin and they offered me more channels for less then I was paying on Sky.

If its as bad as you all make out, I think its going straight back and ill just pickup a freesat box.
Got a tivo and its fine. Does what I need to to do and I dont need to worry about high winds blowing my dish off the wall :)
Another TiVo box user here. I find it slows up quite a lot over the course of a week, i often do the old turn it off and back on again trick. It seems to speed things up for a few days.
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