Hi all Ive been a virgin customer for roughly 5 or 6 months,and my service has never been quite right,bad speed fluctuations etc.
Constantly being told it was probably my pc or BT.
Did the BT speedtest hundreds of times, and I'd had enough!
So today I phone them up and finally get through to someone who listens to me explain about connecting at 6mbps through bt test but only 112kbps though virgin.
Explained how I've been having issues ever since I joined up.
She basically told me it was virgins fault-they have told me that yes the problem with my speeds is due to them and not BT-however they are unsure how long it will take to fix,but they are thinking months rather than days.
So they advised me to phone customer services who said I have 3 options.
Take a refund now for the 5 months where I have had problems and carry on using them.
Carry on with them admittedly probably having issues for months and once the issue is fixed recieve a full refund for the entire time-so looking at around 8-9 months of refunds.
Or get a refund now and change provider!
Now if this issue would be fixed in a month I would wait it out and then take the refund-but I dont know if I want to be sitting on a line which I can get 7mb from and connect at 50k to 300k and get more cash back,or cut my losses and go with a pricier provider!
What would you peeps do in my situation?????
Constantly being told it was probably my pc or BT.
Did the BT speedtest hundreds of times, and I'd had enough!
So today I phone them up and finally get through to someone who listens to me explain about connecting at 6mbps through bt test but only 112kbps though virgin.
Explained how I've been having issues ever since I joined up.
She basically told me it was virgins fault-they have told me that yes the problem with my speeds is due to them and not BT-however they are unsure how long it will take to fix,but they are thinking months rather than days.
So they advised me to phone customer services who said I have 3 options.
Take a refund now for the 5 months where I have had problems and carry on using them.
Carry on with them admittedly probably having issues for months and once the issue is fixed recieve a full refund for the entire time-so looking at around 8-9 months of refunds.
Or get a refund now and change provider!
Now if this issue would be fixed in a month I would wait it out and then take the refund-but I dont know if I want to be sitting on a line which I can get 7mb from and connect at 50k to 300k and get more cash back,or cut my losses and go with a pricier provider!
What would you peeps do in my situation?????