Virtual death = real death.

30 Nov 2005

The premise of having skin in the game has gone up a level with the invention of a virtual reality headset that contains ‘’explosives’’ rigged to ‘’explode’’ if the person who wears it loses during a video game.

Permanent vr, once the headset goes on you can't take it off and death in game means death in real life.

So would you?

I can see channel 4 picking this up in the future.
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And guaranteed some half wit somewhere will read this story and conclude that vr headsets read your mind and was the reason their neighbours dog died.
Would it be murder or suicide?

Murder or manslaughter.

Depends on if the person puts the VR headset on willingly or not.

Doubt it, even if they willingly agreed to it it's still someone else actively killing them... it's this basically:


And that has been illegal for a few centuries and would result in a murder or manslaughter charge AFAIK.
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