Virtual Machines

16 Aug 2005

I've looked through the Mac Software thread but can only find random bits and pieces on this.

In a nutshell, what are the differences between VM Fusion and Parallels?

I'm looking to run XP/linux on a VM just to have a mess around with and to install some test software for work.

Have you lot used either of these? Have they got their advantages/disadvantages?

I've got 4GB of RAM so not an issue for me to run either I would imagine, any help would be appreciated :)

I use VM Fusion.

Tried Parallels nothing really wrong with it, just prefer VM Ware. Main thing I use in VM Ware is the Virtual Appliance thing so I can easily move my VM's from place to place.

Parallels integrates quite nicely with OS X, folder linking and such forth so that might be something to consider.

I think VM Ware was also a bit cheaper when I came to buying it (got a special discount as I pre-ordered it during the beta).
I've used both and prefer parallels for some reaso, can't really explain why though, sorry!
This thread goes through a few opinions.

In a nutshell though, they are both very similar, do practically the same things. ive only ever used vmware fusion and it works very well , and I can virtualise my bootcamp partition (parallels can do this too).
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