Vista 64 Updates

7 Jul 2003

Windows installed 9 important updates tonight, since these updates were installed I have experianced nothing but trouble.

When trying to play games the screen flashes black for about 40 seconds and then gives an error telling me the display driver has recovered from a crash, and the PC randomly bluesreens with BAD_POOL_CALLER

I have since uninstalled the updates but this has not helped, has anyone else had the same problems?

GFX is Nvidia 8800GTX, Motherboard is P5n32e-sli

Tried that, didnt work :(

I'm currently running without any display drivers installed and it looks as though things are slowly falling apart. Indexer just crashed along with a few other windows related things.

It looks as though the updates have really caused issues, I was running perfect until I installed and rebooted.

I have even re-installed the chipset drivers, looks like a full system re-intstall is coming up minus todays updates.
Not sure if they were included in the the updates, but there are some fixes for GPU issues which may have caused this, you could try uninstalling the update and see if that helps.
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