Vista on a Raptor drive

24 May 2007
Ive just ordered Windows Vista along with a 74 GB Wester Digital Raptor drive, and i also order a 1gb Corsair Vista Flash Drive. Now my question is, if i install Vista onto the raptor along with the flash drive, will Vista run faster and boot up faster?

i may have this wrong, but I thought the flash drive feature of vista is for extra space for the pagefile.

Your flash drive is going to be way slower than your raptor hdd, and IIRC you cannot install any part of vista on the flash drive

I may be wrong, but that's my current understanding
The flash drive will probably have a poorer transfer time than the Raptor, however Readyboost tries to take advantage of the seek time of flash memory, which is pretty much zero (as opposed to a few milliseconds for the raptor).

You'll certainly get an increase in performance, however how much it is or if you'll be able to notice it is another matter. :)
Has n e 1 acctually used one of these flash drives? If so, does it need to be plugged into the usb port on the motherboard or can you use a powered usb hub?

Iv used ready boost with a corsair flash stick plugged into a usb hub. Cant say that it made any difference, maybe because i have 2GB of ram, maybe with 1GB or lower it might make a difference. I now use it for storage.
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