Vista sound card drivers 32 bit RTM

6 Mar 2006
Northwich Cheshire
Hi to everyone, hope you can help. I am struggling to find suitable drivers for my Lanparty nf3 ut 250gb MB. i am using an nVidia GeForce 5600series GPU Which i know i have to upgrade, some advice would be appreciated, Back to driver issue i am stuck with two channel stereo and would like any info that could help me resolve this issue. I'm using a Logitech 5:1 system using nVidia
Drivers (i think) I have tried various updates from related sites. Is there a saviour out there. Incedently i am using AMD Athlon socket 754 with AGP.
i dont know if it actually works but i think you can use XP drivers in the 32bit version of vista (im sure i've read that) so could try drivers you used before on xp? (and why are you using the 32bit version? you have a 64bit board and cpu?)

also what exactly are you trying to do? get 5.1 with onboard or seperate card?
Re:Vista sound card drivers

HI cokecan72 Thanks for reply.
The original DFI drivers i used with xp would not load on board using vista and i can only find 2 channel stereo option within vista settings, The reason for using 32 bit is that i have a clean desktop ie: no evaluation watermark present) I could'nt find a patch for 64bit at the time i haven't checked to see if one exists. Also build 5744 X-64bit didn't seem stable. :confused:
what board is it?

chances are it'll have realtek audio or the likes so you'd be better off goin there (or who what ever make sound card is on the board) for drivers isntead of gettin them off dfi

i know realtek have some vista drivers out as i used them with RC2 a while ago, seems ok too though took an age to download
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