Vista Ultimate Install problem

9 Jul 2007

I go to install Vista Ultimate 32bit and all goes great until it says rebooting. It reboots but just hangs there with the cursor flashing on a black screen! What is wrong? I wait but nothing. For ages. Tried again, nothing! Here is mt spec:

X2 4600 AMD
2G DDR2 Ram
120g Samsung Sata HD
Samsung Sata DVDrw
Corsair PSU

Please help if you can
Is this the 1st reboot, or where Windows loads for the first time?

Had the same problem, where I think I used the last known good config and finished the install from there. But then ran into 2 weeks worth of update problems, and last night it decided to destroy the registry to such I point it corrupted my 1st restore point (have this switched on) and I'm back to square one again :mad:
Do you get any application errors, forcing you to restart the installation?

How long have you left it at the 'starting windows for 1st time' screen? Is there much HDD activity during this time? Mine took about 5-10 mins to finally get into windows.

Have you done a lot of failed installations in 1 sitting? My HDD failed after a while since it got too hot (to touch) with all the data writing. Started again an hour later and all was well.
Do you have an IDE DVD spare? There's a lot of talk on Technet about installs failing purely because of sata DVD drive's (amongst other things) - IDE one's seem to fix this.

The OS should be loaded on to the system now, so you could use the last known good config. Just no profiles yet. Boot normally and you should get the options for this, and then it should complete creating/loading the profile.

Will be doing this tonight (again!)
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