Vista Windows Media Player

10 Jul 2007
Has anyone ever experienced this in Vista Windows Media Player :confused:

When you close the the media player using the X in the top right hand corner, it still continues to play the song in the background :(
i had that some times with xp playing avi files, would close using the X, but would keep playing and you have to close it via task manager.

I cant help you with why though, i always put it down to dodgy codecs, but that was only a guess on my part.
Yep, happens to me too. I've noticed a few times that the process persists (it stays in the process list in the task manager) after it's closed. Very annoying.
Same thing happens to me but with iTunes on Windows XP, no idea why it does it :confused: but like the guys posting above me, i just end process in the task manager.
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