Vive Pro vs Index base stations

26 Aug 2016
As I've donated my old Vive setup to a family member, I'm now left without any base stations for my Vive Pro and Index controllers. I was planning on getting some Index base stations, but who knows when they'll ever be back in stock. So now I'm considering getting some HTC replacements, preferably the 2.0 lighthouses (which are about £30 more expensive than the Valve ones sadly, but at least you can find them if you look around).

Obviously either will work, but does anyone know if there are any major technical or quality differences between the Valve and HTC variants?
Well, I got the HTC bstations and sure enough they're actually Valve-branded. They work well, but I'm finding they're not as accurate as my previous v1 stations - placing controllers touching together shows they diverge and overlap by quite some margin as I spin around.
With my v1 lighthouses, it overlapped/underlapped by about 1-4mm depending on how directly I faced them. With the v2 ones it feels more liked a 5-10mm variance. Might be picking up reflections from my plasma or something, need to experiment again!
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