VOoDOo antec skeleton mod

figured you guys might want to see VOoDOo in its new habitat. O and my new mouse for playing on the couch! still trying to find a good wireless keyboard

Razer Mamba wireless mouse and Razer Destuctor Gamemat


The LEDS in he cabinet really make it the centerpiece! i just cant seem to get a good photo with the lights off, so until then you get this


this isnt the LED effect i was talking about this was just a flashlight and i liked the photo


here is the LED effect until i can get a good photo with the lights off


another side view

Little bit of an update for my VOoDOo Redux project. Just got in 3 HP LP2575w monitors to add to the skeleton


Better room pics coming this weekend!
Voodoo, that is ******** hardcore :cool:. I wish I had that gear. Your peripherals match the build nicely too. Love the lighting on your 'dark' photos.
Much better quality pics to come this weekend jox, but thank you! After trying the bf3 beta on my eyeinfinity setup I have realized that I must upgrade my graphics dept. I thought that 2x hd 5870 2gb would be well enough, but I have to turn all my settings down to low and I get a solid 60fps with vsync on.
Well I tried my best, but it is really hard to take good pics of this. I cant just put a white backround behind like I can with parts! Anywho here are some pics of the new eyeinfinity setup.




Next week I am going to get those dam bezels off!!!! After that comes the video card upgrades and watercooling..,.so stay tuned!!!!!
Love your rig VOoDOo :) how is your 5870 holding up to bf3 on three monitors?

I will post some updates on my skelly log tonight :D
Thank you KiiYZOo! I am a fan of your skelly as well. Unfortunately BF3 is not play nice at all. I have resorted to playing on my center screen and get about 90 fps avg, then when I turn on the 5760x1200 res it poops on me, very jittery 30 fps and crashes within five minutes on Caspian border. It played pretty smooth on operation metro though. I am hoping its drivers but I am getting a new set of cards soon anyway. Hopefully a 6990+6970 tri-fire setup if the misses allows.
will a 6990 fit without cutting the front cowling?

I want to upgrade soon, I bought a p8p67 le off the mm for £20 :D and I want to get a 2500k when I can afford it :) really want to upgrade my graphics card to something a lot more beefier :D
I need to look into that! lol. Im thinking of just starting all over again as well, Maybe this time white and VOoDOo blue!

would make this pic look even better

Thank you G-Dubs!!! It should only get better from here! I plan to do a restoration to the desk, painting it all black. Fabricating a frame to go around the monitors once I get the bezels off. Upgrading the video cards......and maybe, just maybe watercooling!
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