vorpX gurus

Yeah, i already have it and thats the best advice I can come up with lol.

So, despite your first hand knowledge of it being not very good, would you mind having a little look at the sim and see if there's any functionality in vorpx.
The sim uses keyboard and or joystick to move and pan. I don't know if these have to be mapped in the vorpx software.
Having looked at the eagle landing site, I assume you want to try the vorpx route as it's gone free and the actual VR version due out in Q2 won't be?

Not exactly, I bought EL3D back in 2004 and the dev has already let me have a copy of the VR demo. When he does release the full VR version it'll still probably be cheaper than vorpx anyway.
I understand it may be a bit of a ball ache to get any kind of decent result but I'd like to do this for the EL3D community, so any help would be greatly received.
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the biggest problem with vorpx is the amount of tweaking you need to do to get close to perfect results. and the fact that your stuck using kb/mouse or joypad

Yes it does have its issues, but having flown EagleLander3D for a good number of years it's amazing to actually stand on the lunar surface and having to look up at the lunar module because it's so big. Looking down into the craters. Seeing the mountains at Hadley (Apollo 15 landing site) and the 1000ft deep rille. Just way better than a flat screen experience. Not trying to plug vorpx, because it's possibly not that good for a number of games. But for a 10 year old sim, it has given it a new lease of life.
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