
19 May 2012
Has anyone played games such as Witcher 3 in VorpX?

I've Bioshock Infinite works almost seamlessly, any input?

I'm basically trying to justify to myself buying a Rift despite owning a PSVR and I think VorpX and its ability to VR any-game might be a game-changer, although I could be wrong.
But he already has a PSVR, so the oculus is not an upgrade its a sidegrade so unless there's a game he really wants to play in VR thats only available on the oculus (and by the sounds not because he's asking about vorpx)...
You're the first person I've read on the net describing the PSVR and Rift/Vive as side grades. Most people have said its a clear upgrade.
If you already have PSVR then don't bother with a rift and definitely don't bother with vorpx, even if you were going to move over to PC VR you are better off waiting for gen2 headsets to release
I feel like I'll be waiting ages and the sub-par tracking, lack of customisation, lack of analogue movement, lack of roomscale on the PSVR will be limiting, especially for games like Skyrim.
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