VP930 Owners...

9 Jun 2004
London, England
I'm seriously considering this screen right now, but I have just a couple of reservations about it... Hoping some of you owners can clear them up for me.

Firstly, how many owners have the backlight 'X' problem? I'm thinking of giving up on the 2005FPW if my 3rd replacement - coming tomorrow - exhibits OTT bleed again.

Secondly, how is the colour reproduction on the VP930? Is it quite vibrant out of the box, or is it washed out and requires the gamma turning down?

Cheers guys! :cool:
Had mine for a few months now and its fine. I think about 5 of us bought round the same time and all are pleased as far as I know. Have a look at the guide by Baddass in the sticky and you'll see my review of my VP930. Yes, there is a little backlight bleed but its so slight as to not bother me and its even all over, don't forget to allow for the fact all TFT monitors will have a little due to the way they function but it should never be to the amount that it annoys you. I'm still as pleased with mine as the first day I bought it, don't regret the decision one little bit. :)
How'd you find the colours on it, mate? Are they washed out at all?

EDIT: review read, so now I know what you think... Cheers! :)
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Sorry, I forgot to answer that bit. Yes, colours are vibrant and deep, only adjustment I needed to make was turn the brightness down a little as it lit the room up! Using DVI connection and there is plenty of adjustment in both directions for contrast and brightness. :D
None that I've noticed, but I must point out, I'm not a game player. The few demo's that I've tried look fine to me though and I would be quite comfortable playing them on this monitor and I have owned a quality 19" CRT in the past even though it was a few years back.

Is it the best for games? I doubt it and would think there are better TFT models for this use but as a damn good all rounder it will be hard to better.
mine is ok

I have the bleeding problem also, but you will not notice it, only in a complete dark screen, colors are 99% ok. gaming is very good, so go for it!!!! :)
I have had a VP930 for a few months.

The first one I recevied had a dead pixel which I reported to viewsonic and they sent out a replacement within a few days.

The second one has no dead pixels but there is a bit of back light bleeding. This is not noticable during the day but when it gets dark it becomes a bit annoying.

There is a bit of blurring of textures when plaing fast moving games but not much noticable ghosting. The only time you see it is when there is black on a white background.

Overall I am happy with the screen and would recommend it.
barnettgs said:
Sorry, what does 'back light bleeding' means?

I don't know if it is related to my TFT (LG L1915S).

All TFT's have this to some extent barnettgs. Its the way they work. To see the image displayed on the screen there are lamps, [Tubes] behind the panel and if there are enough and placed correctly the lighting will be even all over. Sometimes this is not the case and you get areas that are brighter/lighter than the rest of the screen, usually in the corners but sometimes at the top or bottom.

If you can use your monitor in a dimmed room at night and view games or DVD movies, or visit websites that have black backgrounds and the leakage of light is not to the extent that it draws your eye to it then there is nothing to worry about, some panels though will be so bad that not only is a good deep black difficult to obtain but the amount of light leaking through makes it distracting to use the monitor. If its this bad then you can try for an exchange on the grounds of it being faulty.
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