VR Stuff advice.

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003

I'm wanting to buy me some VR "stuff" to play HalfLife when it is released. I have almost pressed go on a full Vive setup for like £350 second hand but before I do is the Vive going to be decent enough?

also assuming I don't need some sort of super computer and a TR1950x @ 4.1, 64gb ram and a radeon 7 is going to cut it?

What's worth buying and what isn't? This will be my very first foray into the world of VR and things.

Whats the difference between the Rift S and the Vive? Rift doesn't seem to have the little base stations what does this mean?

Yea ive given up! So many things I don't understand. Somebody tell me what I need to buy. Whats the absolute best then 2nd then 3rd?
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Have you tried VR? See if you can have a go on a headset and see if you can get on with it. Some folks start to feel queasy in VR without doing a rollercoaster ride.

Bah never tried and would rather just try it after I buy, if im going to look an idiot it's going to be in the comfort of my own home :)
Well at least you're honest.:D If you're going to splash £350 on a system then you might as well get a brand new Rift S which has inside-out tracking instead of external sensors.

Is the rift really the best all round proposition then? How does that work in terms of Steam? I guess I can still just buy stuff from the store? Is the inside out tracking as good as the little lighthouse things?
I wouldn't buy a Vive or original Rift now.

Tell us your budget and then we can tell you what headset to buy.

The budget is whatever it costs to play at a decent level. I'm not massively fussed so long as I get a decent experience. If that means spending £500 then ill do that. 1k though to play half life might be pushing it, unless of course people tell me that nothing comes close.
What I am reading from all this is just grab a rift s and if I like get the Index? Might just order that up tonight.
Right thats sorted it I shall get the Rift S - What sort of other requirements does it have? What else do I need?
You need to have a passion for what you are going to be doing in VR. It's easy to fork out big money on the best headset and all the peripherals, and when you first look round, it all looks amazing.
And then after a while you get used to the amazing and then you're thinking what next?

Passion for what I'm doing? I'm going to be shooting the **** out of aliens and people and stuff. I plan on spending what I need to spend to play half life. I literally haven't looked at any other titles but do play a bit of Project Cars 2 and Asseto Corsa and have that fancy steering wheel. I hear those games are decent in VR.

i would say, if you get the Rift S, then dont bother with the index, not worth the upgrade FROM the Rift S (no idea though, what do people think?)

i would google comparisons between Rift S and Index

do you have a large play area?

I have a play area that can be, I don't know, the room is about 20 odd meters squared and all it has in it at the moment is a desk. So plenty of room available. How much room do you need?
I'm pretty sure you won't be able to use Valve's knuckle controllers unless you get a Vive/Vive Pro/Index. It's early days so we can't be 100% sure what that would mean for HL: Alyx gameplay but I get the feeling they're going to try to showcase their hardware very hard indeed, would missing out on the extra functionality (full finger tracking and being able to wear them without actually gripping them at all) put you off?

argh spanner in works. I want to play the game how it is meant to be played so im going to need the finger tracking shenanigans I think. But the vive isn't as good as the rift s right? £260 for some controllers though jesus.
Ok so I think what we are saying is that the Rift S should be just as good in terms of gameplay as the other options. Visual fidelity is really where the difference is?
It doesn't make the same difference in VR though. It's more important to have your frame rate match you refresh rate.

I take it a Radeon 7 will be more than capable of providing the goodies? Well it better tbh as its the top end of what I can buy given my use case. Unless I had both NV and AMD but that isn't in the plans.
Do you have the Radeon 7 or are you thinking of buying one?

The Radeon 7 will be fine for the Rift S and the Quest. It will also work with the Index but will struggle with the higher refresh rates.

I have one, I also have a couple of Vega cards but generally they are only used to offload compute. when gaming I use the 7.
I bought the Rift S! Pick it up today so with a bit of luck we are golden :) I shall let you know how I get on!
Question is what games do I buy now? Only bought it for Half Life but I should probably test it out this evening. Also what games can I get the wife to play - I don't want to film her falling on her ass but it would be funny.
You see this is a good start :) I'm remoted into my home machine and queuing up the fun! I'm sure the Mrs is going to rip me a new one... I've been slowly planting the seed over the last few weeks and a few days ago she was like - Right how much is it going to cost to shut you up and play this game. When I told her the likely cost is about £800 (if you include the finger tracking and index base stations etc, assuming the rift gets support), she looked at me like I was a total mentalist.
So many games. Thanks lads. Mrs is out all night tomorrow so I shall need some stuff to keep me entertained.
Wow, I totally misread that lol! :)

Aircar demo: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1204731822978255 Beat Saber is excellent as recommended, you should check your existing library for VR stuff too, no idea what sort of games you are into but get Project Cars 2 up and running in VR, Things like Elite Dangerous, IL2 Sturmovik GB, DCS world and plenty more all have native VR support and really do change the experience massively.

Too many 7's you see. I'm swinging into the shop on the way home to pick up my toy so will keep you all updated on my quest to become VR proficient. I have like 200 games or more in my library so there must be a few that support it.
Tempted by a Rift as well, might get my son one for christmas. :p

Is a 1070Ti/Ryzen 2600 combo powerful enough?

I'm guessing you will be fine. Gaming wise that's broadly similar to my rig isn't in? I'm guessing you are good to go! (one thing of note, I have literally no clue what im chatting about :))
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