VTX HD6870 cooling options?

14 Nov 2011
Hi, first post \o/

I have a VTX HD6870 from OCUK which I intend to watercool. I've found a block that will fit (unfortunately OCUK don't sell it as yet). However this block will only fit reference cards, so I have a couple of questions:

1) Is the VTX HD6870 a reference layout?
2) Is it feasible to just put a simple block on this card instead of a full size custom block? If so, does anyone have a recommendation?

This is to go with a full XSPC setup I sourced from OCUK. Gotta say, its a lovely setup :)

EDIT: I see Avathar77 watercooled his HD6950 using a GPU core only block >>link<<. Anyone reckon this is the same size as a HD 6870 and will be sufficient?

EDIT2: nvm, I found a HCL for this block and various HD 6870's are included so I will give it a go.

Thanks in advance.

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I've got an EK VGA Supreme chip-only block on my Asus HD6850. I've then got the small heatsinks on the RAM. This seems to work quite well, as I have a small amount of airflow over the graphics card from my front case fan.
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