Lopéz said:When I was young my Dad raved about the Vulcan and used to take me to Manston where I saw them fly (I believe a couple were stored/scrapped at Manston in the 80's too?)
This is the first "charity" I've felt compelled to give to in a long long time, possibly ever.
They were stashed all over the place for 'decomissioning' or ripping apart with JCB's as it's more comminly known.

They are a registered charity and more importantly the Vulcan is owned by the Nation. It has become part of the nations heritidge.

Even if all you do is join the Vulcan to the Sky club you'll be helping them *plus you'll get invited to the first public flight*
This truly is one of the few aircraft which we can get flying again which is worth it. Sod all the spitfires, hurricanes, BF109's and everthying else they're rebuilding at the moment. We need things like this.
The Mosquito
The Vulcan
The Lightning *will never happen though*
The Canberra *only just retired from active service*
The Buccaneer *may happen later this year/early next year*
The Victor
The Valient
The FW190
The ME262
All the aircraft form out more recent history rather than spending 1million on a spitfire *of which there is now nearly 80 flying iirc*. Hawker Restorations is pumping out 2 Hurricanes a year now. It's almost a production line.
However - we can now cross four of that list...
The Vulcan WILL fly next year
The Mosquito is currently undergoing rebuild
The FW190 will fly later this year after a 6 year rebuild
and the ME262 is undergoing rebuild.
The Cold war aircraft is whats needed airbourne. Especially as it's on the National Curriculum now.
Anyway - enough rambling...