
I didn't understand Ralph Boehner actually.

Did he have super speed powers? If so, were they just as a result of a spell Agatha had cast? I know she was controlling him with the necklace thing.
I got the impression he had super speed because Wanda believed he had them. I imagine he didn't have them until she opened the door and believed it was her brother.
Not sure what to think of the finale, did feel like more of a Marvel film then the previous episodes leading upto it. With the 2 after credit scenes I wonder where s2 is going to go.
TBH I was a little underwhelmed with the finale

I feel that:

1. The fight between Agatha & Wanda was a bit dull and lifeless, the runes plot twist I saw a mile off but how did wanda know what runes to use?
2. Vision 2.0, having recovered the memory file just upped and left with no context. 'I have memories now, bye'
3. Monica/Photon - Gained powers and immediately knew how to use them and wasn't surprised/shocked etc. There was no realisation she had powers or learning about them.
4. There was no attempt at apologising or seeking forgiveness from the towns folk. 'Ok so I tortured you for weeks but now I'm done, cya'.
Allegedly the next Phase of Marvel surrounds Scarlett Witch and as well as the dealings with loss etc Wandavision was to setup Wanda turning into Scarlett Witch. Also they used it to bring back Vision. In the comics Vision has no emotions so the original Movie Vision they probably thought he was getting to far from the original comic version and thus used this to "reset" him if you like and I`m sure we will see him again.

So Doctor Strange II we know Scarlett Witch is in that and also apparently in the next Ant Man and Spiderman films if not in person then the after effects of her actions reach into these films.

Theory is she creates the "Multiverse of Madness" as per the DS II title.

As for Monica after meeting Captain Marvel with her Mom and the fact she was told her DNA had been rewritten once and then again I doubt it would be a surprise she has got super powers and the theory here is she is leading on to be Captain Marvel as Monica Rambo was a Captain Marvel. Possibly featured/explained in the Captain Marvel 2 film but in any case we all know who she is going to meet in space after seeing the end credit scene in Spiderman 2.

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The show had no right to be as good as it was.

Absolutely blown away by that final episode.

Thank you Marvel. I had my reservations in whether the momentum could be kept up after Endgame and through the most trying of circumstances we were starved of your content. I should never have worried. You came back and have delivered once again in the highest of fashion.

What a start to Phase 4.

I've only just binged the show now, looking through some comments here and this echoed my sentiments exactly.

What a great show. It did a lot of fun clever little nods by taking a sitcom setting (perfectly capturing the style of each era) and peeling it back slowly to expose the layers about what was going on. I love that Marvel are happy to try unusual things as they tell their story.

More than just peeling back those layers to expose the plot to you, at the same time it slowly revealed the emotional battle going through the characters. While we have had 10 years of content with movies in the MCU, naturally things have to move at quite a fast pace with little snippets in each movie to get to know the characters. There is no doubt that Marvel has done really well with these snippets, but by the time we got to the last few scenes after a series worth of content (even with half of it being a parody of sorts) I could feel the full range of the emotions from the characters. Love, loss, fear and hope etc.

"What a start to Phase 4" nails it.

Really hope they don't make her Captain Marvel and keep her as Photon/Pulsar/Spectrum, whichever name they decide to go with, seeing as she went by all of them at some point in the comics. Would make for a far more interesting addition to the MCU, and there's nothing particularly wrong with Captain Marvel as she is now.

A lot of theories I've read seem to align to say Dr Strange 2 will be about Wanda getting possessed by Cthon, which is what the end credits scene hinted at with her hearing her kids. Given she's on Wundagore mountain at the end and learning from the Darkhold, would make perfect sense that she's given Cthon a way in. Would make Wanda a villain though, which I really hope they don't do as it's a bit crap if she goes through all that in Wandavision, just to be a villain
Really hope they don't make her Captain Marvel and keep her as Photon/Pulsar/Spectrum, whichever name they decide to go with, seeing as she went by all of them at some point in the comics. Would make for a far more interesting addition to the MCU, and there's nothing particularly wrong with Captain Marvel as she is now.

A lot of theories I've read seem to align to say Dr Strange 2 will be about Wanda getting possessed by Cthon, which is what the end credits scene hinted at with her hearing her kids. Given she's on Wundagore mountain at the end and learning from the Darkhold, would make perfect sense that she's given Cthon a way in. Would make Wanda a villain though, which I really hope they don't do as it's a bit crap if she goes through all that in Wandavision, just to be a villain

Yeah I was hoping they didnt go down that route of Wanda being an accidentally turned villain who comes good in about 6 films time. Problem you have is if she is all powerful then you have to do something drastic or a curveball to curtail her or she would just snap her fingers and thats it end of film no story. :)
A villain with a backstory makes a good villain :)

That's kind of my main complaint about the ending in that the antagonist largely appears out of nowhere towards the end of the series and there's very little context or motivation given for their actions.

It's a shame because I was really enjoying the show until that point but I feel kind of let down by the CGI-laden finale which seemed out of place.
That's kind of my main complaint about the ending in that the antagonist largely appears out of nowhere towards the end of the series and there's very little context or motivation given for their actions.

It's a shame because I was really enjoying the show until that point but I feel kind of let down by the CGI-laden finale which seemed out of place.

IMO that's because the 'real' antagonist was Wanda's past and the loss she was feeling.

I was totally fine with the actual baddie having a relatively basic motivation/purpose, although the outcome of the final fight obviously has lasting consequences for Wanda going forward.

Damn, I'm really looking forward to Falcon now.
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