Want a ride in the OcUK Radical? Read this

Originally posted by alextgreen
Best photoshoppery/paintjob on the car.

No, as not everyone can photochop

I reckon every member who replys to this thread, should be put in a hat and be picked out.

Its fair and square then :)
I would suggest a GD compo. A Best Post Thread with posters voting on each thread. This would encourage the use of the Voting System and encourage posters to post a topic of main interest to all. No links and cut'n'paste posts, but something original, entertaining and informative. Such a compo would increase informative content within GD and encourage good posting styles.
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
I would suggest a GD compo. A Best Post Thread with posters voting on each thread. This would encourage the use of the Voting System and encourage posters to post a topic of main interest to all. No links and cut'n'paste posts, but something original, entertaining and informative. Such a compo would increase informative content within GD and encourage good posting styles.

Now that's an idea!
How's about :-

Spie finds and then posts up some motor related pics and then we get to post funny comments in speach bubbles or think up funny titles/headlines to the pics. Winners either voted for by members or chosen by OCUK staff and we all get a giggle whilst we're at it.


Originally posted by MindYerBeak
I would suggest a GD compo. A Best Post Thread with posters voting on each thread. This would encourage the use of the Voting System and encourage posters to post a topic of main interest to all. No links and cut'n'paste posts, but something original, entertaining and informative. Such a compo would increase informative content within GD and encourage good posting styles.

a good idea .. but again I dont agree with it.... not everyone is an a grade english student... fairest way is name out the hat imo
Ok I've got an idea. How about the person to get OcUK mentioned in the most unusual or most watched place? e.g. climbing into this years Big Brother house and spraying your URL on the walls :D

Ok, maybe not that extreme and we'd have to keep it to something legal only. But another example could be getting you mentioned in a magazine, or discretely waving a "Hello mum/OcUK" banner behind the News at 10 interviewer or something.

The publicity would be fantastic for OcUK even if it went wrong :) I think we'd all love a challenge, the word would get round the net like wildfire (imagine your name in lights on theregister) and I know Spie is a good enough businessman to see an opportunity.

Don't forget... it has to be legal and not put OcUK in a bad light.

Do I get a ride for suggesting it please :D If it gets a lot of publicity can I Have the car :D :D
Originally posted by Conanius
a good idea .. but again I dont agree with it.... not everyone is an a grade english student... fairest way is name out the hat imo

But where's the fun or initiative in that, good sir? Those who contribute meaningfully to OcUK should be selected in my opinion, and not be knowledge based.
Originally posted by Hades
Ok I've got an idea. How about the person to get OcUK mentioned in the most unusual or most watched place? e.g. climbing into this years Big Brother house and spraying your URL on the walls :D

Ok, maybe not that extreme and we'd have to keep it to something legal only. But another example could be getting you mentioned in a magazine, or discretely waving a "Hello mum/OcUK" banner behind the News at 10 interviewer or something.

The publicity would be fantastic for OcUK even if it went wrong :) I think we'd all love a challenge, the word would get round the net like wildfire (imagine your name in lights on theregister) and I know Spie is a good enough businessman to see an opportunity.

Don't forget... it has to be legal and not put OcUK in a bad light.

Do I get a ride for suggesting it please :D If it gets a lot of publicity can I Have the car :D

i like this idea:D

free publicity / easy to judge best effort
Originally posted by ugh
No, as not everyone can photochop

I reckon every member who replys to this thread, should be put in a hat and be picked out.

Its fair and square then :)

i agree

that seems fair, but i like the idea of the names in the hat compo :)

Originally posted by Hades
Ok I've got an idea. How about the person to get OcUK mentioned in the most unusual or most watched place? e.g. climbing into this years Big Brother house and spraying your URL on the walls :D

Ok, maybe not that extreme and we'd have to keep it to something legal only. But another example could be getting you mentioned in a magazine, or discretely waving a "Hello mum/OcUK" banner behind the News at 10 interviewer or something.

The publicity would be fantastic for OcUK even if it went wrong :) I think we'd all love a challenge, the word would get round the net like wildfire (imagine your name in lights on theregister) and I know Spie is a good enough businessman to see an opportunity.

Don't forget... it has to be legal and not put OcUK in a bad light.

Do I get a ride for suggesting it please :D If it gets a lot of publicity can I Have the car :D :D

Good idea sah, but some people would be at an unfair advantage. Eg, those who worked in high profile places.
Originally posted by Bod
Good idea sah, but some people would be at an unfair advantage. Eg, those who worked in high profile places.

Well maybe with a bit of thought the playing field could be levelled. So, for example, it must be unrelated to your work etc. Haven't thought out the finer details but I'm sure it must be possible with a little consideration.
Have a secret special item in your store which if it gets purchased qualifies for you to enter the comp. then this is whittled down with a raffle or something

Myabe not such a great idea but what the hey hehe
what about a birthday lottery

plenty of software about i would imagine to generate something of use
and well... we all have a date of birth

and our birthdays are entered when we sign up for these forums

just my two pence worth


Entry into the hat with every order/purchase from the shop (if customer so desires) and winners picked from that.

Seems the logical way to do it, to me :)
Hows about a competition where you have to work out what the Car is from a picture of a small part of the car, could be the headlight, wheel arch, dash, seats, zorst, etc etc, from any car, old or new

That way if you know your cars, which if you're after a ride in the radical then you proably do, you will have the upper hand to start with....but if someone who isn't into cars but wants to ruin the new pants you're mum/gran bought you for you're birthday you can do a bit of research, which should level things out a bit.
Have to say - I like the publicity thing. It shouldn't be about high profile though - simply the craziest/most novl/amusing advertising for OCUK. Let Spie chuckle his way through the photos and pick a winner according to his own tastes. Job done.

Originally posted by MindYerBeak
I would suggest a GD compo. A Best Post Thread with posters voting on each thread. This would encourage the use of the Voting System and encourage posters to post a topic of main interest to all. No links and cut'n'paste posts, but something original, entertaining and informative. Such a compo would increase informative content within GD and encourage good posting styles.

True but lots of posters don't peruse General Spam much if at all.
Originally posted by MajikNWA
Have to say - I like the publicity thing. It shouldn't be about high profile though - simply the craziest/most novl/amusing advertising for OCUK. Let Spie chuckle his way through the photos and pick a winner according to his own tastes. Job done.


i reckon thats also an excellent idea, the downside is the designer types will have a major advantage over those who cant use psp/ps/flash etc which is a fair amount of people who use these boards
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