Want BroadBand but pay via Post Office

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
A Mate has asked me about getting BroadBand again.

The thing is, that last time, he paid me, and I paid through my bankaccount for him, but, he lost his job... blah blah...

Now, he has asked me about getting back onto the internet, however, he needs to pay through the Post office rather than a bank account?

I myself dont know off-hand if any suppliers will let him pay this way, AFAIK they all require Bank Details, so I have had a bit of a search, but nothing is sold on the payments other than through the bank?

Does anyone know off-hand of a BroadBand supplier that allows payments through the Post Office?

Thanks a lot.
Exactly what I have asked him.

I went with BT myself because it meant one phone bill, which I found handy.

I am currently with XLN for the very same reason... Supplier of both Phone & Internet = one bill

Nothing wrong with BT.

As for the Account, I really dont know, he wont tell me... I know he is always skint etc, but when I paid it for him, he always paid up a few days before it was due to go out, so surely he has enough to get his phone & internet... He does not need a debit / credit card either does he? - he just needs the bank account details for it to go through surely?

Ok, I will just have to tell him that you cannot do it then?

just a simple current account will be sufficient for this and no bank should really turn him down. (some current accoutns do come with overdrafts but these can easily be left off)
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