Want to appeal a Yellow Box PCN

19 Apr 2008
My Dad got a PCN from Brent for allegedly stopping in a yellow box. I have requested the video (still haven't got it after 24+ hours) but my Dad insists that the traffic began to move and the car in front hesitated, but he was clear of the box junction within a couple of seconds of slowing down at the exit. Hardly a fair penalty.

Here is the PCN:



I want to dispute it for the following reasons.
  • The location of the alleged contravention is incorrect. PCN states Neald Crescent when in fact it is Neeld Crescent - confirmed by OS.

  • The first photograph does not have the registration of the vehicle.
  • There are just 7 seconds between the photo of the vehicle waiting at the edge of the junction and the car passing through the end of the box junction. There is no proof that the vehicle was actually stopped in the box junction.
Not to mention the fact the box junction has broken lines and is a general poor state of repair, and £130 fine is totally bloody disproportionate to the offence.
I know, as if a quiet residential road really has enough traffic problems to warrant a yellow box to let traffic though.
Mmm, so how do you tell them you're not going to pay?


Yes that was me in my car and I stopped on the yellow box on Harrow Road.

However I'm not paying because you misspelt the connecting road of Neeld Crescent as Neald Crescent.


Janesy b's Dad

I know you're perfect and never make any misjudgements but if you ever got a PCN for something so meaningless and trivial, you wouldn't even bother seeing if you could get out of it?

I still haven't got access to the sodding video either. Totally useless.

I'm definitely gonna get hated for this but hey ho. The evidence is pretty clear tbh and I'm glad the fines are punitive. I work in a busy city driving all the time getting stuck at these junctions with people blocking them for 2-3 changes of the lights at a time. Wish more of them had cameras.

I sympathise about busy city roads but all this is doing is enforcing a box junction for a tiny little residential side road that has barely any traffic and to have someone sat monitoring all day catching anyone who dares hesitate for one second is pretty pathetic.

I still didn't get the video but managed to see more pics on the council website and he was stopped at the end of the box for at least 9 seconds. He was expecting traffic to move as the cars further ahead were moving, it didn't and he got caught. Bang to rights really, bit pathetic but there you go.
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