want to get copies of old photos...

28 Oct 2002
i would like to get copies of loads of old photos that my parents have got so that i have a copy. ideally a digital one, and then i can get prints if i want to at a later date.

i was planning on scanning them into the PC but didnt realise quite how many there were! is there anywhere than can provide this kind of service or an easier way of getting them copied?

any help much appreciated. :)

p.s. we are talking about 2000 pics here i guess and they vary in size a lot.
I'm sure you'll get someone to scan them but ,it'll cost you .Much better to scan them your self in batches . Yes, it'll take you some time but you dont have to scan one at a time . Just fit as many as you can on the scanner , leave a good sized gap between them and scan them . I use PSP for this , then copy each picture from the full scanned page and save as an individual photo .Wont take long at this rate .
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