Want to get out the UK. Recommendations?

6 Jan 2007
Been in NY for the last 5 months and must say its an amazing place. Its quite difficult to get over here, but I'd say its well worth the effort. I'm moving back to London in a few weeks but definitely want to come back for longer stint in the future.

Nice! Was that on a travel visa?

My ideal trip would be travelling to NY on the QM2 and then going down to Kansas and Florida. Then going over to California and Washington state
7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Just looking at a couple and it seems they are two year masters (twice the living costs) and the fees are $26k... A little too much for me I think... (That is an Oz masters actually)

RH - Royal Holloway, where I'm heading in september. Still the best part of £20k all in, even for a single year.. :(

Think I'll try heading out after I get my Masters, should have a decent chance of getting a job in the oil/mining industry there...

I have an Earth Science degree as well :p

Auckland uni - international fees are £2400 per annum, which ain't to bad. How much is RH?
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Isn't it at the border guards discretion though to let you in or not? And if they see regular entries for extended periods over and over won't that look fishy?

Are you in the US at the moment Scuzi?

Yeah I guess so. It's not really a legitimate way to live in the US. I was only kidding! I'm open and honest with the border guards about my situation and there's never usually any hassle. I always make sure I hand in my green I-94 slip when leaving and take plenty of proof of my living arangements in the UK.

Nah I just got back from the US last week. Back in Ireland now. Frequent flyer miles ++ :D
25 Jul 2005
I have an Earth Science degree as well :p

Auckland uni - international fees are £2400 per annum, which ain't to bad. How much is RH?

Wow that's cheap! What course is that and how good is it? Seems very cheap for a good course!

(For reference I looked at a Petroleum Geology and Geophysics at Adelade uni)

Royal Holloway... Just shy of £6k, not including field trips that will add another £1k minimum...
6 Jan 2007
Yeah I guess so. It's not really a legitimate way to live in the US. I was only kidding! I'm open and honest with the border guards about my situation and there's never usually any hassle. I always make sure I hand in my green I-94 slip when leaving and take plenty of proof of my living arangements in the UK.

So what would you say your typical year consists of in relation to time spent in the US and time spent in Ireland? Is it 50/50? And when you travel do you do it on the visa waiver 3 month thingy or get an extended 6 month one? And finally when you arrive what sort of questions do they typically ask when they see you've been in and out the country a lot?

Sorry for all the questions... Any info is much appreciated :)
7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Wow that's cheap! What course is that and how good is it? Seems very cheap for a good course!

(For reference I looked at a Petroleum Geology and Geophysics at Adelade uni)

Royal Holloway... Just shy of £6k, not including field trips that will add another £1k minimum...

After my degree I fell into Environment Management/Environmental planning.

So I was looking at masters in that field.

I seriuously struggled with the Geophysics and maths as an undergrade thats why I'm scared to apply for jobs in my true field.

Im 27 now and discussed new zealand, and doing a masters there and he almost laughed at me :/ Not listening to him anymore and am going to persue my dreams.

It does seem cheap doesn't. As I say I'm at the early stages of my research.

Selling my car would pay the fees lol.
13 Jan 2009
Nice! Was that on a travel visa?

My ideal trip would be travelling to NY on the QM2 and then going down to Kansas and Florida. Then going over to California and Washington state

On a work visa. Makes the whole process significantly easier when work sponsor you.
25 Jul 2005
Ah ok, I think the oil masters are significantly more expensive because they know they can charge more... I didn't actually do any proper geophys in my undergrad (other than a couple of lectures on the basics of interpretation of data, toplap etc) but did do an internship with a seismic company so got an idea of the maths involved (just hope I can cope with the maths in my masters, although I did get a (poor) A level in maths so...)

Who laughed at you? :p
7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Ah ok, I think the oil masters are significantly more expensive because they know they can charge more... I didn't actually do any proper geophys in my undergrad (other than a couple of lectures on the basics of interpretation of data, toplap etc) but did do an internship with a seismic company so got an idea of the maths involved (just hope I can cope with the maths in my masters, although I did get a (poor) A level in maths so...)

Who laughed at you? :p

My dad lol.

I really need to look into this, if its mega expensive I think I'm going to look at a masters in Holland/Germany.

Treat it as a test bed for New Zealand :D

hehe after closer inspection:


I fail
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
So what would you say your typical year consists of in relation to time spent in the US and time spent in Ireland? Is it 50/50? And when you travel do you do it on the visa waiver 3 month thingy or get an extended 6 month one? And finally when you arrive what sort of questions do they typically ask when they see you've been in and out the country a lot?

Sorry for all the questions... Any info is much appreciated :)

Usually 1 week a month in the US, sometimes 2 weeks. I go each time on the visa waiver programme which allows a stay of up to 3 months if necessary although to date I havent stayed longer than about 20 days in one go.

Questions usually consist of...

Why are you here?
How long are you here for? (They ask this like 4 or 5 times throughout the questioning)
Where are you staying?
How long have you been with your partner?
How did you meet, where and when?
How much cash do you have? Do you havea credit card?
How can you come over so frequently?
What is your occupation?
Do you have proof of your occupation?
Do you have a return ticket and can I see it?

In a nutshell you have to convince them that you're going to leave the country and not remain there past your welcome.

NEVER lie to these guys. They can spot it a mile off and if you do your ass will be hauled into a back office for initerrogation.
6 Jan 2007
NEVER lie to these guys. They can spot it a mile off and if you do your ass will be hauled into a back office for initerrogation.

Thank you for explaining. Travelling back and forth like that would drive me crazy, dunno how ya do it.

When you get stamped on the visa waiver do they do it for 3 months? Or just for a few weeks?
18 Oct 2002
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I can't really advise on getting to the US but I decided to do the same thing myself last year - I always liked Asia so decided to move to Malaysia for a while and do some travelling from there. I also work online so just sit at home with laptop and headset from afternoon - night, seems to work well ... Been here since March.

I don't have any visa for here unfortunately and is pretty impossible for me to get, but seeing as I'm doing a fair bit of travelling it isn't really an issue , as I get a new 90 day visitor visa on every entry , and they're quite relaxed here if you have an EU passport :)

I'm considering maybe spending some time in the Philippines after here but not decided yet - just thought I'd give it a try moving away from UK , why not? :p
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