Want to kick PC gaming habit and get out in the fresh air?

2 May 2003
I think I have cracked it. I got a blade CX2 indoor helicopter for Christmas, now I have a Trex 450 SEV2 full CCPM machine. It is an amazing machine. I have not played a PC game for three months. Only use the PC for Simulator training (Phoenix), surfing helicopter forums (Helifreaks and Heliaddicts) and ordering occasional spare parts after the inevitable crashes.

The Trex is top-tier for this size of electric helicopter, and has a flight envelope that few people on the planet are capable of fully exploring. Check out Szabo on Youtube to see someone who can!
Fortunately the helicopter can be tamed by various means for us mortals.

I am totally hooked on this hobby, including the hi-tech control systems, discipline and application that is needed to fly the beast, and the inherent danger that comes from having a high speed rotor in your near vicinity which is liable to go in any direction if you 'dumb-thumb' it!

Thoroughly recommend this hobby to anyone.

Just youtubed that guy, wouldn't want him flying me around! But would make mowing the lawn more entertaining.
mmm lovely graphics, first person shooter. you know you want it . , sniper, gunner. squad action. you want more , more. gaming is for you, outdoor activities for losers, just one more hit.
mmm lovely graphics, first person shooter. you know you want it . , sniper, gunner. squad action. you want more , more. gaming is for you, outdoor activities for losers, just one more hit.

Nope, Take off, loop, roll, invert, CRASH, etc etc. On simulator until perfected, then go out and try the real thing.:D
lol, at the moment I have the choice of sitting on my computer, going outside and enjoying the first of what looks like it could be a good summer, or revising... hmmm
With the full kit from scratch, including radio gear, gyro, servos, four extra LiPo batteries, charger, travel case, simulator and some spares you won't get much change out of a grand. I went for the best available however. You can go A LOT cheaper, but as in all things you get what you pay for. The guys on HeliFreak and RcHeliaddict forums were really great in helping me make the right buy.
Try forgetting to upgrade your PC. I bought an xbox360 and lately it's just been gathering dust.

Spend ya money on a nice DH bike, get out to your local trails and that should help you forget about your pc.
Try forgetting to upgrade your PC. I bought an xbox360 and lately it's just been gathering dust.

Spend ya money on a nice DH bike, get out to your local trails and that should help you forget about your pc.

Dh bikes also eat loads of money. Mines is sitting in work waiting on me alligning my front caliper lol. On a lovely day like this i wanna go ride it!

Gaming wastes time and costs nothing but doing other stuff is better but more expesnsive.
I believe the bigger helis are more inherently stable, however they are still capable of amazing manoeuvres. Here is Szabo flying a 90 size helicopter, which is the largest normal r/c type.


Maybe if I was starting again I would have got a 500 or 600 size, but the advantage of the 450 is I have been able to get hovering in all orientations weighed off in my garden before going on to fast-forward flight.

I am a newcomer to this sport/hobby, but it would seem that most participants end up with 3-4 aircraft of varying sizes. They use models like my 450 to try-out new moves before doing them on their larger machines. Reason: A LOT more expensive when you pile it into the dirt. Repair costs on a Trex 450 are quite cheap.

A big kick I am getting out of this is the technical side of build/rebuild and setting up the aircraft for smooth flying characteristics.

Beat sitting watching your mate do fishing!

I havnt got a licence yet but i went to get me out! I loved it, sat there chilling in some crappy clothes with no one i know sept my mate, his dad and his dads mate.

Talked, relaxed, fell asleep a number of times!!

Was brilliant, im getting into fishing soon, buying a kit in a couple of weeks and then we are going to different places through the summer, something to do and its fun anyway, a good hobby and could be challenging, i did it once when i was younger with my mate and it was great. Right laugh.

Cant wait until i go again, very exciting.
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