War for the Overworld (Did someone say DK remake?)

I've said it before but I really hope this does get funded, probably will with 11 days left, So hyped for a new Dungeon Keeper type game
War for the Overworld - First Impressions

Hey guys, I'm starting up a youtube channel and I thought I'd start it off with a first impressions of the spiritual sequel to Dungeon Keeper 2. It's just been beta released onto steam and I wanted to get a video up asap to show people what a mixed bag it currently is.

Bare in mind that the video is extremely dark at the start this changes quickly and is something I talk about in the game as being quite a problem.


I also want to let you guys know that I will be doing a series of competitions for free games to promote my channel and you can look out for them. All of them will be done through the overclockers forums and I expect there will probably be around 4 of them. Depending on how much interest I get I may give away multiple copies of free games each time.

I will also be doing a Dungeon Keeper 2 lets play very soon for you guys who want the nostalgia trip, I know I do! I'm currently sitting my finals exams so my youtube channel won't truly take off until june and then I will be posting daily content and be aiming to put out 25-35 videos a month.

If you have enjoyed this feel free to leave a comment, like and if you think you might like my future content why don't you hit the subscribe button!
No love for war for the overworld? I expected a bigger DK2 cult on ocuk. My first impressions video seems to be doing pretty well at least. Was far over taking everyone elses with pretty good praise till youtube did some editing and some how removed it from the search results when it was on the front page :(
I posted a comment on youtube, i liked your review and commented that you got the voice for it :), i hate to think what my welsh accent would sound like lol, i sound like i have learning difficulties :D. Keep up the good work and stick at it. I would not pay £16 for it at the moment in its Bedrock Pre Alpa State :rolleyes:
Thank you very much! Should have let me know in here so I knew who you were! I really want to build a community on OCUK for my channel and run competitions to keep you guys active in my channel as it grows.

I worried about how I would sound too but nobody likes their own voice! I think you'd struggle to get the American crowd with a thick welsh accent though, they just wouldn't get what you were saying!


I also agree that the game probably isn't worth buying at the moment but I will perhaps do a competition to win a copy of the game when it is more fleshed out if I could get 50 or so people to enter.
War for the Overworld (DK/DK2 successor) "a gaggle of hairy drunken midgets are assaulting your dungeon!"

I've included the little quote in the title because frankly nothing makes drink fly everywhere quite like hearing the "Mentor" (Richard Ridings) come out with that :P

War for the Overworld

So if you were into Dungeon Keeper / Dungeon Keeper 2 back in the day, you'll probably already have a little brainfart regarding the title, its actually the subtitle from the DK3 project EA condemned to the trash, all of which we ever saw of it was a brief trailer.

Its inspiration is supposingly a mixture of Dungeon Keeper, StarCraft, Overlord, and Evil Genius. However if you try the beta for yourself or watch a video on YT (particularly more recent) you'll find the influence is very much lopsided towards the DK design/style. The kickstarter project itself started back in November last year, shortly after it recieved encouragement/praise from none other than Peter Molyneux himself shortly after

I've included the recent trailer from the Eurogamer EXPO however there are plenty of excellent videos floating around on youtube displaying recent builds, the games really starting to shape up and look like the real article

I loved DK1, I liked DK2 as well, but felt a lot like the support for it was non existent, you'd have problems running the latter on todays systems, but even when this game was new, it had plenty of problems ranging from its multiplayer issues to crashings and other wierd behavior, EA simply cut the cord on it like a dead limb and throw the genre in the bin.

Even the rerelease of DK2 from good old games the other year found itself (to date) dogged with the same problems by many users

I'm not expecting absurdly detailed graphics, these games were never about that, just want a product that runs with minimal fuss, and has decent multiplayer support, if they can do that with this title it'll easily be one of my purchases of the year... and by far a closer thing to a successor than Dungeons could ever aspire to be (we all remember that farce).. I might even set up a fansite/blog for it as I have a couple on the go which I work on as a pet hobby sort of thing (bi-product of pad on long commutes)

You'd expect the sort of effort being put into this game during its development process from the triple A titles (10's, if not 100's of millions of dollars), not a kickstarter project running on a couple hundred grand :P I just like a lot of what they are trying to do.. and for someone generally a bit disconnected from gaming because of the attitudes of the "big ones" (ea springs to mind) it does restore a little faith in it

Anybody else keeping an eye on this one? Maybe your already playing the beta, are you looking forward to its release?
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Loved DK1 but I skipped DK2 (cant remember why).. just stubled accross this! - Looks awesome!

Very tempting!
I was tempted to back this on Kickstarter but I know for sure I'll buy it when it comes out. Don't want to play early access (which I think its at on steam).

Can't beat a bit of the old DK :)
so true, I don't think I ever completed it either... might have to play it tonight! :D
Used to love DK2 back in the day.

Anyone with the Beta able to say what it is like? I'm tempted to pick it up but don't want to spend £17 on something that turns out to be another disappointment.

Also is there still a 'My Pet Dungeon' option?
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