
If it is really important to you and you can spare 50p, then use Shazam!

Dial 2580 from your mobile and hold your phone near a speaker while playing the song.

You need to play at least a 20-30s clip. Within a minute or so, it'll text you back the artist and track name at a cost of 50p (about 50p is what I remember anyway).

we've used it a few times and I've never seen it fail, even with really obscure songs! Comes in really handy in this sort of situation if you are really desperate to know the song and can't figure it out any other way!

simmo.3 said:
its not that mate, i need a name so i can download it, have no copy of it you see.

If I had a tiny clip I could try and dig it out... I haven't played the game so I'm pretty useless till I hear it.
simmo.3 said:
hi all,
any one know the name of the soundtrack to this game please...


The main track to this game iirc is Ride Of The Valkyries by Wagner, think there are a few other tracks by him in there too but it's years since I played it.

Nothing like hammering it round in a tank to some grand classical music...
KraniX said:
The main track to this game iirc is Ride Of The Valkyries by Wagner, think there are a few other tracks by him in there too but it's years since I played it.

Nothing like hammering it round in a tank to some grand classical music...
Nothing like summing Wagner up with 'think there are a few other tracks by him'. :D

I have the Wargasm CD sat on my desk. I can only think of one bit of music from Wargasm, and I'm pretty sure it isn't Wagner. I can't install it on XP. :(
Wargasm was a cracking game, looked quite decent for the time as well from what i can remember. A sequel would be cool, but can't recall which dev studio did it.
Well if you mean the main menu music (beautiful piece of music, but can't quite remember the name of the piece) then I know the film it was in. It was called 'Zardoz', and starred Sean Connery floating around some future wasteland in a giant stone head, biffing loads of women who had forgotten what sex was.

Ahhh....the seventies!

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