30 May 2006 at 11:36 #1 CLAWSS CLAWSS Associate Joined 25 May 2006 Posts 7 Anyone else anticipating this game apart from me. Looking forward to splattering some necrons all over the place with my Soul Sikher space marines Not too sold on the other new race being added - the Tau.
Anyone else anticipating this game apart from me. Looking forward to splattering some necrons all over the place with my Soul Sikher space marines Not too sold on the other new race being added - the Tau.
31 May 2006 at 11:25 #14 CLAWSS CLAWSS Associate OP Joined 25 May 2006 Posts 7 Hoping to spend a decent amount of time trying to figure out the Necrons. Currently I only like playing space marines and imperial guard. I would like to setup a weekend fight club once DC is released, if some of you guys are interested.
Hoping to spend a decent amount of time trying to figure out the Necrons. Currently I only like playing space marines and imperial guard. I would like to setup a weekend fight club once DC is released, if some of you guys are interested.