Warhammer 40k : Rogue Trader - The people behind Pathfinder do WH40K

Yeah this one is a 100% nailed on definite buy for me. Pathfinder 1 and 2 are easily the best CRPGs that I've ever played, so I have enormous faith in Owlcat to deliver a storming good WH40K CRPG
Was great to see that although I'm a bit worried what state it's in vs BG3. As that comparison will be direct and painful I feel. Game still looks great and any good 40k games are only a positive.
It wont be close to as polished as BG3, whilst Larian arent a AAA company, Owlcat are even more of an indie company. They wont have near the resources available to Larian. As long as its on par with Pathfinder 1 and 2, I'll be happy.
I can't find it anywhere but I'm sure I've seen them say it was going to be a 24 release.
Makes sense to do a 2024 release to be honest, would be bonkers planning to release a CRPG so soon after Baldurs Gate 3 and Starfield. Give it a bit of breathing space, let the hype and excitement of those playing BG3 and Starfield die down and reach its natural conclusion as they finish up those games and release at a time where you can then be the "next" title that those who liked BG3/Starfield move onto in the RPG genre. If it was me, I'd go for a March release, nice 6 month gap between BG3/Starfield and Rogue Trader.
I've seen a tiny bit of gameplay and it looks quite number heavy or at least options heavy which seems great. Did see not all the dialogue is voiced, which is to be expected but also somehow now slightly disappointing. Looking forward to playing it.
Thats the BG3 effect, BG3 really raised the bar for VA, especially the GM Narrator VA. It does make it all the more noticeable now when GM narration isnt included.
Tbh I'm more than happy with non voiced dialogue. As with BG3, I read much faster than characters talk so I end up skipping anyway (or in Astarions case skipping because I hated his voice)
Based on anecdotes from their previous games (and the amount of patches I still seem to be downloading for pathfinder) I will definitely not be beta testing this one. I will definitely buy it though later.
Yeah, its the GM narrator I miss the most, Amelia Tyler was absolutely superb in BG3. As with Pathfinder 1 and 2 , I will of course be playing Rogue Trader immediately this evening. Cohh played it for almost 10 hours yesterday, encountered no bugs and it looked and played great :)
I don't know any voice actors names, I don't care about that side of games personally. I have also seen people claim to have not encountered any bugs in CP2077 at vanilla so I'll take that with a pinch of salt, also no idea who Cohh is.

Watch now as I FOMO in later :D
True, some folks almost never encounter bugs in games, I've always been very lucky in that regard. For some reason or other, probably because I dont break mirrors, I've barely had many bugs in any games that I've played. Other people seem to run into every bug ever created. Must be some sort of karma thing, I must have been a good boy in a previous life :)

I love good voice acting, much as I love a really good audiobook narrator (like Ray Porter), so a really exceptional voice actor, like Amelia Tyler, stands out to me and I then make a point of finding out their names and what other stuff they've done. Cohh is a streamer who is a huge RPG fan, so obviously he is going to be inclined to these sorts of titles anyway but going the first 10 hours without bugs is a pretty hopeful indicator. Though its possible that bugs surface later on, or maybe Cohh is also careful around mirrors :D
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From IGN review in progress.

So unless that youtuber was playing a release build with the day 1 patch then it's a bit odd BUT the IGN reviewer is 65h in. Game looks great though but then I've always liked the 40K aesthetic etc.
The caveat would be that its IGN and they didnt exactly like Pathfinder 1 or 2 all that much either (we wont go into how the IGN reviewer blatantly lied in the IGN review of Arizona Sunshine 2 in their review yesterday by saying the campaign was almost 20 hours long when in fact its around 5-7 hours long) , Mortismal completed Rogue Trader and does very thorough reviews and he barely mentioned bugs at all, however, as I say, maybe the IGN reviewer has broken a lot of mirrors :)

EDIT : In summary...I take IGN game reviews with a huge pinch of salt because half their reviewers dont seem to be gamers at all (probably just journalists) and the other half just seem to give every game a 7
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Aside from where he says "the myriad of bugs encountered, that over the course of a playthrough really start to weigh on your patience"
You claimed I was "just unlucky" because of the mountain of bugs I encountered on BG3, either you don't notice them or you pretend not to because it's the same rhetoric again about all these people just being 'unlucky' or trying to discredit them.
Its not that I dont notice bugs or that I pretend not to, I genuinely simply do not really get bugs in games (I also very rarely suffer from technical or performance issues in games that many other people encounter a lot of performance issues in) , now of course I cannot prove that to you, not unless you want to come and live with me and watching me playing games over the course of a year so I could simply be lying but I am actually being very sincere I VERY rarely encounter bugs in games. I cannot say why that is, I truly dont know and thats why all I can attribute it to is luckiness or unluckiness. No effort or desire to "discredit" people about it.

Peoples criticizing of the game being complicated I can understand, a lot of people felt that Pathfinder 1 and 2 were complicated too. Goes with the territory though really, many TTRPG systems are extremely complicated, its probably why Warhammer have felt the need to simplify their TT system rules of late.
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Ok I'm in :D

I can handle most bugs tbf it is ones that stop progression that really irk me or lock me out of something. Floating box in mid-air, random t-posed character doesn't really affect my enjoyment.
Its a big investment, I game A LOT, 42 years of gaming now, probably 95% of the days of those 42 years since I played my first game. I do roughly 60+ hours of gaming every week, so over the course of a year thats 3,120 hours of gaming (131,000 hours of gaming since I started gaming 42 years ago :D) , so you'd have to be prepared to invest a lot of time watching me at home :D
I don't know how IGN are still relevant. Whoever pays the most gets the perfect review.

Shyster`s of the order level 8.
I wouldnt mind them if they were as good as they used to be, I just get the feeling these days that many of the IGN reviewers arent actually gamers but are like journalism students/graduates who are simply trying to make a break into journalism rather than actual gamers reviewing titles. That guy yesterday blatantly lying about the length of Arizona Sunshine 2 was ridiculous, especially when he then tried to double down on it in the comments by saying oh, sorry, I forgot that I added up all the hours I played the campaign in solo plus in co-op plus the horde game mode. You forgot? Ludicrous. Its campaign game length is 1/4 of what he claimed and then his reasoning is that he forgot how he had calculated the length. To be fair, PC Gamer are just as bad, back in the days when PC Gamer was an actual hard copy magazine rather than a website, their reviews were pretty good quality and clearly written by long term, accomplished gamers, whereas these days , like with IGN, many of their reviews seem to be written by either people who have no clue how to play games or journalism graduates trying to get a foot in the door of the industry.
Hard disagree! In my own opinion, Amelia's sultry 'come to bed' voice did not suit the game at all and I was miffed there wasn't a volume slider / mute option. A narrator is not required in a video game the same way it is in tabletop.
And thats entirely fair, we've all different tastes, one mans good narrator is another mans annoying narrator. :)
Zzap 64. I spent weeks convincing parents a subscription was needed but they wouldn't have it.
I will forever remember PC Zone and their issue covering the Elite game , which was a double page spread of a review and the background image on the 2 page review was a picture of an enormous turd :D
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