
14 Dec 2017
If one wanted to start playing warhammer where would he start?

The game looks interesting but there seems to be an abundance of them going about.

Is there a starting point? Like warhammer 1? do they all lead on to each other?

Could someone point me to a good starting point.

Thank you!
To be honest I didn’t actually think there was so much choice!:confused:
I like FPS,shooters,rts,strategy. I’m quiet open in the games I like. Like a challenge. Only thing Is i don’t really do is play online a lot so maybe rules a fair bit out as I mostly game when working away and the internet is usually only good for txts and forum surfing. But at home I’m fine!
I like the look of 40k, dawn of war and vermintide. I did look but I didnt know if what I wasn’t looking at was a game,dlc or expansion so I held off.
Which are FPS?

Also I see a lot say online only is that online as connected to steam or online online!
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Looked up hulk death wing looks pretty good think I might try pick up a copy of that and dawn of war 2, maybe vermitide as well can pick it up for £5 at the moment. I also like the look of total war looks like there are a few of them going about,
is there anything third person fight type? Like the likes of dynasty warriors or middle earth? Like these type of games as well.
Just watched some videos like the look of that one to,

So far on the download splurge I think I’ll get;
Space marine
Death wing
Dawn of war 2

Now to go see who’s going to give me them the cheapest:p
Maybe I will take vermitide off the list then as I’m not really home very much to get the play out of it,
So....finally got an afternoon to sit and play and I’ve been playing space marine for a few hours and I was addicted to it for being an older game it’s pretty decent I never expected it, I’m on to chapter 4 already maybe get some more in tonight.
Have a look at Inquisitor Martyr, it’s like Diablo 3 in the 40k universe.

My internet where I am for work isn’t even worth having so I can’t look it up is it first.third person? I like them sort of games.

Waiting for space hulk death wing to drop in price then I’ll buy I think. That’s my hate paying more than price!
I’m enjoying it so far I want to go stick it on again for another blast:D
yeah I was reading up is that the enhanced edition that’s just came out? I’ve read it’s fairly improved things!
I’ll wait a couple weeks and see if it’s dropped any and if not I maybe just go for it in case it goes up again.
Going to give dawn of war 2 a go in the next few days to as it looks like I have a lot more time on my hands than I thought this week.
It’ll get better in time I suppose with updates and patches longs it stays popular I think. I am quiet enjoying the 40k games so think I’ll end up buying it when I’m home.
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