If you read the full post buddy you will see ive never cheated im same played cod since cod1 never cheater never been banned. Also was same as you, thinking must be summat but nope clearly not. Your more than welcome to come to my home and have a look for yourself. Cya soon.
Why don't you try cheating and see how long you last then? Cheaters get banned constantly and spend good money so they can keep on cheating.Ive played this game for a while all im saying is the anti cheat is terrible you must have really been taking the pee to actually get caught. Theres barley any true positives in this game let alone false positives. People can run around wall banging 50kills and not get caught.
You're either super unlucky and will get your account back if you use the correct channels, or was warping around the map head banging everyone from 500meters.
Also all these saying got caught cheating blah blah. Its easy for me to get back on, the cheats come with a HWID Spoofer, so all you need is that and your back on? These HWID spoofers come with the cheats. So majority of people who post on here about being banned are not cheating. Otherwise, just make a new account with the HWID Spoofer on and boom back on the game. As simple as that, but as i have not ever cheated, i dont have this software. I dont want to get it either.