League of Gentlemen, father Ted.
Just can't do jokes like that anymore lol
League of Gentlemen, father Ted.
Never found LOG funny, just creepy.League of Gentlemen, father Ted.
Just can't do jokes like that anymore lol
There's lots of older comedy in this thread, can someone post examples of zoomer comedy for comparison?
Zoomer comedy?
Exactly, Alan Partridge (like David Brent) is a not a one-dimensional grotesque character, nor are some of the brilliant supporting characters (particularly Michael in I’m AP!).For a character that's been going since the early 90s, one joke wouldn't have cut it. It is smart. With radio, TV and a Film to boot. Ironically, your comments, I'm reading them in Alan Partridge's voice. This is why you don't get it.
As in, Gen-Z. Zoomer being a play on the Boomer generation.
I see this type of comment a lot. Of course you can.
The joke was that Father Ted was caught out doing a racist thing, and then the later misunderstanding with the dot on the window and the waving hello looking like a heil hitler gesture.
Not that the racist thing itself was funny.
Modern comedy is rubbish, don't watch it. Used to love Red dwarf, black adder etc when I was young though.
isn't funny in isolation, it's almost an "in" jokeAren't zoomers a little young to have established comedians? Probably some channels on YouTube of the up and coming ones, not aware of any yet.
Youngest comedian I am aware of is Bo Burnham (and enjoy) at 30/31, so a millennial. Most of his stuff is full of swearing and not forum friendly, however I love this song from Inside which as far as I know is completely clean. The thing is, the content below isn't funny in isolation, it's almost an "in" joke as you need to have seen these accounts, know these posters and it's just a fun poke at the stereotypes of social media postings.