Washington and Colorado just legalised cannabis

15 Jun 2003
We should be growing this stuff, supplying it, limiting how much people can buy, in the same way a bar should cut you off before you get in trouble, a drug centre should only provide you enough to get you high but not a dangerous amount, which will help curb addictions in the first place. But all the tax revenue will cover real treatment centres and still bring in more to the economy beyond.

I remember reading or hearing somewhere that you'd have to smoke the equivalent of 15,000 joints in 20 minutes to overdose on cannabis alone. That could be BS but it's never been recorded for directly causing a death afaik.
22 Nov 2005
Just a wait a while for all the drug lovers to appear and tell us how marvellous it is and streets of stoned people will be good for everybody.
I smoked it from

Never did me any harm long term and I found quitting it was extremely simple compared to how hard smoking was, it took me a further 4 years before I finally got rid of cigarettes.

Ii never lead me to hard drugs either and I was offered whatever it is you melt on a spoon and inject on 2 different occasions, with a friend saying I will if you do.

both times was the same guy and he was not someone I knew because of cannabis, all the dealers I knew only sold cannabis , hash and sometimes LSD.

some people have addictive personalities and they could become dependant on it but if it's not weed it would be something else more dangerous like alcohol anyway.
1 Jun 2013
Decriminalise it. Make it a medical, rather than a criminal problem. As soon as it's legal, you end up with new businesses paying tax, and take it out of the hands of the criminals. It's just the same model as for alcohol and tobacco.

We've proved all over the world time and time again for the last hundred years that prohibition doesn't work. Time to try something new, safer, and of more benefit to society.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
If you think weed is horrible then you should read up more on alcohol. I know an alcoholic who fogot his own name, is currently in hospital and was halucinating. I think they were giving him injections into his veins and body to counter this but there is a proper medical diagnosis for it i just cannot remember the name. Name one thing alcohol is used for medicinally. Now take a long look at the list for Cannabis. And as Arknor said people can be pre disposed to having addictions. If i had to pick something out of the whole bunch to be addicted too, it is going to be the one with no known fatalities and is pretty much imposible to die from.

I remember reading or hearing somewhere that you'd have to smoke the equivalent of 15,000 joints in 20 minutes to overdose on cannabis alone. That could be BS but it's never been recorded for directly causing a death afaik.

You have to consume roughly your own body weight for it to be fatal.
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6 Mar 2007
SW London
Just a wait a while for all the drug lovers to appear and tell us how marvellous it is and streets of stoned people will be good for everybody.

Why do you think making it legal would make every body suddenly want to smoke it?

Alcohol is a hell of a lot worse by the way, ane I bet you like at least an occasional drink.
8 Mar 2007
Alcohol is a hell of a lot worse by the way, ane I bet you like at least an occasional drink.

The problem is the 'occasional drink' can actually be beneficial to you where the 'occasional spliff' never is.

The flip-side is that excess alcohol is worse for you than smoking a joint everyday.

I lost my sister to alcohol in her early 30s so I know how devastating that drug can be. I don't know anyone who died at 33 from smoking weed. But it's not as simple as saying that weed is always safer than alcohol, it depends on type and quantity consumed.
18 Oct 2012
The problem with excessive weed consumption isn't the likelihood of it killing you it's the mental issues that come from it, although people like to deny it has any effect on mental health.
18 Oct 2002
The problem is the 'occasional drink' can actually be beneficial to you where the 'occasional spliff' never is.

The flip-side is that excess alcohol is worse for you than smoking a joint everyday.

I lost my sister to alcohol in her early 30s so I know how devastating that drug can be. I don't know anyone who died at 33 from smoking weed. But it's not as simple as saying that weed is always safer than alcohol, it depends on type and quantity consumed.

The occasional joint can very well be beneficial, which is why cannabis is widely used for medical reasons across the US, Switzerland, Canada, Holland and other countries.
8 Mar 2007
The occasional joint can very well be beneficial, which is why cannabis is widely used for medical reasons across the US, Switzerland, Canada, Holland and other countries.

I said spliff rather than cannabis as smoking anything with tobacco is always bad for you. I'm not denying that cannabis can be taken other ways which don't include the cancer inducing smoking element but the vast, vast majority of people smoke it (in which case it falls into the same danger zone as cigarettes and even worse given most don't use a filter).
18 Oct 2002
I said spliff rather than cannabis as smoking anything with tobacco is always bad for you. I'm not denying that cannabis can be taken other ways which don't include the cancer inducing smoking element but the vast, vast majority of people smoke it (in which case it falls into the same danger zone as cigarettes and even worse given most don't use a filter).

It is really only the UK that mixes cannabis and tobacco. That is deeply frowned upon in most other countries, why would you want to pollute you pure weed?
26 Jun 2010
It is really only the UK that mixes cannabis and tobacco. That is deeply frowned upon in most other countries, why would you want to pollute you pure weed?

Not in Los Angeles it wasn't. It depended on the stuff you had to whether you made a spliff or a joint. It's not just the UK, that used tobacco as a filler, it happens pretty much everywhere in Europe and depending on the type of marijuana (hash) you have in the US as well...not to mention blunts.
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18 Oct 2002
Not in Los Angeles it wasn't. It depended on the stuff you had to whether you made a spliff or a joint. It's not just the UK, that used tobacco as a filler, it happens pretty much everywhere in Europe and depending on the type of marijuana (hash) you have in the US as well...not to mention blunts.

I never really smoked the stuff (much;)), I don't even knwo the street terms so forgive any ignorance. But in Switzerland (Cannabis basically legal) they looked at you as if you were mad if you ever considered diluting the cannabis. But then people grew it on their balconies next to the basil and thyme, there were high street shops selling seedlings, compost and UV lamps and in the Saturday markets you can buy "hemp" filed decorative pillows.
I had a few American and Canadian friends that would never touch tobacco with a barge bole and would go through several joints a day.
7 Mar 2005
The Voice Of Football
My wife works closely with agencies that support mental health. The rise of people with mental health issues, young men in particular, in the last few years has been meteoric. They can accurately pinpoint it to one thing: the introduction of readily available strong cannabis to the UK.

The psychosis that the new stuff can induce if you are susceptible to it can be very damaging to people. Some of the stories she has told me are really sad; young lads who have basically become recluses through paranoia or anxiety or even attempting to take their lives.

Many other things can trigger mental health issues such as work related stress or life events. But making cannabis legal and for sale is giving people a loaded gun I feel. And for that reason, I am out.
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