Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

You will be able to set the variable that disables thee use of R3F artillery/logistics. What are you trying to do?

Ok cheers.

Going to have the occasional night where 5 - 6 TFU members have a base with cash, cache and a chopper for people to take! Kinda Server VS TFU.

Servers been doing well, so now want to get people feeling more involved and not board of the same thing. Great to have the in game admin panel Melbo put in i tell you!!
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The easiest way would be to just build the base in the editor, add in the weapon caches and whatever else you need then set the variable to stop the R3F script. Let me know if you need any help with it.
Server seems to be down today. Not sure if it's for good or not, as the server has been so empty recently.

Used to be always full a few months back and it was the best Wasteland server for actual teamwork. Other servers all seem to be easy mode with vehicles and guns galore.

I feel a lot of the changes have driven people away.

Something as simple as the exclusion of AI in missions has personally made it less enjoyable for me. When the server is near empty, at least it something to do while you wait for others to join. There also seems to be less building props since the building store was introduced. I personally liked scavenging for building materials to build bases rather than buying them, especially since it's so hard to get cash with few players online.
I think it will be pretty good with all the pre-installed military bases, love those high towers.
Probably gonna need 100 slot servers to make it worthwhile though but that will further decrease performance.
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