Watch out Rosetta slackers....

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
27 Apr 2004
In bed with your sister
..... Bigstan is moving half of the farm over :D

Having moved into the number 5 slot in the Folding team with about 8 months at present output 'til my next stomp, I have decided it's time to diversify. I had a look around the BOINC projects and decided upon Rosetta@Home - the team could do with a bit of a boost and I fancy a few stomps.

Today I have moved 4 cores over:
1x 1.6 Dothan (spare laptop)
1x 4000+ @ 3.18
1x PD805 @ 3.00 (2 cores)

Over the next 12 hours (when current F@H WUs complete) I will be adding:
1x 4400+ @ 2.60 (2 cores)
1x 3800+ @ 2.70 (2 cores)
1x C2D E6300 @ 3.15 (2 cores)

I detect a certain amount of apathy from the Rosetta team regarding parps and stomps. Let me assure you I will not flinch from humiliating you for the slackers you are :p

You have been warned

Stan :)
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Stan has got officially restless :p
Will be a shame to lose output from F@H but at least it's going to a good cause

Show those slackers how it's done Stan-styleeeee!!! :cool:
At least it will be a lot easier to keep tabs on the machines when you're away next
I was in two minds, as I'm dedicated to team 10 and want us to do well but I thrive on competition and as I'm currently months away from Sammael and the same distance ahead of Growse, there isn't a lot of competition at the moment. My recent run of stomps has been fun but I feel it's time to spread the luuurve around.

I thought long and hard about it and decided that Rosetta was a good project to join and it would help boost the team in that project so I decided to give it a go and see how I got on.

Also, the ability to monitor each rig individually remotely in BOINC was a big factor in my decision.

You can expect to see Rosetta parps and stomps announced on the forum regularly as I stomp my way up the ranks - I won't be doing it quietly :D

Stan :)
I have the same problem. I need stomps to keep me honest, and I'm not going to get any more in F@h.

Maybe time to wake up my Einstein (or Rosetta) accounts and go slacker hunting. :eek:
Berserker said:
I have the same problem. I need stomps to keep me honest, and I'm not going to get any more in F@h.

Maybe time to wake up my Einstein (or Rosetta) accounts and go slacker hunting. :eek:
you could always start a second account in F@H ;) :D
I see there have been some improvements to BOINC since I finished with SETI.

1) It automagically installs BOINC Manager.
2) It recognises dual core CPUS and automagically runs 2 cores on them.
3) It downloads a new WU about halfway through the current one, ready to start straight away as soon as the current one finishes.

These are things I've noticed so far - who knows what else is better?

Stan :)
I'm not sure how big Rosetta WUs are or how long the deadlines are but you should be able to cache up to 7 days work (might be more) for BOINC projects by changing your account settings on the project web site :)
PhilthyPhil said:
I'm not sure how big Rosetta WUs are or how long the deadlines are but you should be able to cache up to 7 days work (might be more) for BOINC projects by changing your account settings on the project web site :)

Aaahh yes, it's all coming back to me now. I have it set to connect every 0.1 days as all my rigs are connected 24/7. If I set it to x days, I should get a stash of WUs. It's amazing how fast you forget things when you're middle-aged :o

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
I detect a certain amount of apathy from the Rosetta team regarding parps and stomps. Let me assure you I will not flinch from humiliating you for the slackers you are :p
Quoted for sheer aggressive competitiveness - love it :D

So what's rosetta all about? What made you choose it Staneh?
joeyjojo said:
So what's rosetta all about? What made you choose it Staneh?

It's a project in a similar vein to Folding - which I will always consider to be a worthwhile project. It was a choice between Predictor, Rosetta and CPDN. Predictor is down just now and CPDN (from previous experience) doesn't like heavily overclocked rigs, so the obvious choice was Rosetta :)

Stan :)
Wahey - stomped 7 slackers already.

Only been running for a few hours on 4 cores and I'm already clawing my way through them :D

Stan :)
Predictor seems to have been shut down for some time. Has Rosetta taken over, they're both sort of folding in different ways?
Bigstan said:
Aaahh yes, it's all coming back to me now. I have it set to connect every 0.1 days as all my rigs are connected 24/7. If I set it to x days, I should get a stash of WUs. It's amazing how fast you forget things when you drink too much whisky :o

Stan :)

Fixed :o

SiriusB said:
Fixed :o


That's probably closer to the truth, unfortunately :o

Current stompage = 18 slackers and rising. The 3800+ has just started up and the 4400+ will follow in about 20 mins with the E6300 following 3 hours later :D

Stan :)

After a day and a half, I am now second in RAC and 32nd in total points - should be on the first page (top 20) in a couple of days :cool:

Pity there are no tiffies for Rosetta - I'm almost at 5,000.

Stan :)
I've only got 14,000 points in Rosetta and a RAC of 50 odd :(

I'm done for.

You've probably noticed that Rosetta runs slightly differently to other projects in that you don't crunch a WU to completion as such but crunch to a time limit and produce a number of results for a given model within that time. If you crunch more models than average you get more credit. :cool:

You can see how many you've done by using BoincLogX or looking at the results pages at the project webpage. They've recently implemented a nifty feature which highlights your results in the mass of completed models returned.

Give us a wave on the way past won't you. :o
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