Water chiller project

3 Oct 2014
Taunton, Somerset
So.....I managed to Aquire a office water fountain chiller..................It was rude not to do this on my work bench with the guts of it.

The question is................ Time for a 8 year overdue whole computer rebuild using it?





It may just happen :cool:
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well thats what I'm trying to suss out next, have thought about air sealed case & a load of desicant added in, or maybe using the rad + fan inside the case to act as a dehumidifier & draw out said air moisture & add a drain out tube from a condensation tray ( like a aircon split system etc), once its dry air in there maybe not such an issue. welcome to any ideas right now its a concept tinker sat on my desk for lunch breaks lol.

OR.....I wire in a bit more of a thermal watertemp stat to keep it above the ambient Dew point temperature. ( not much fun for the occasional benchmark run tho ;) )

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EG...my room ambient ATM is 18.9C, 55% relative humidity.....with some decent controls wired in, could safely chill down to about 10 deg C before having to worry about condensation, middle of summer however when its 30-35C & 95% humidity.....not going to be able to cool it at all
Or going utterly bat**** crazy brain storming................air seal the case & fill it with welding nitrogen / inert gas atmosphere!!!!!!!!
semi expensive i know but with only needing a occasional possitive pressure top up to keep outside air ...well out....................probably cost less than the electric to run a case full of 20 fans all RGB up like a christmas tree, & then work better :P

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Or going utterly bat**** crazy brain storming................air seal the case & fill it with welding nitrogen / inert gas atmosphere!!!!!!!!
semi expensive i know but with only needing a occasional possitive pressure top up to keep outside air ...well out....................probably cost less than the electric to run a case full of 20 fans all RGB up like a christmas tree, & then work better :p


I'd go for the thermostat option set to dewpoint at 100% humidity unless you plan to cake the board and all connectors with sealant - going to be a nightmare completely sealing the case airtight, and I'd be worried about other components not getting cooled sufficiently in a sealed box. /2p
thats the idea of having the rad unit in the sealed case heat pumping the thermals out, soon air tight it...just shrink wrap it............looking pretty is not on my list of priorities, prime metric...performance
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I wouldn't be buying any Asus motherboard especially after the way they handled the overheating issues .

If you do buy Asus motherboard you may still need that nitrogen.
You know your testing without any load? Probably best to get something with heat given off and see what temperatures you will end up with. I wonder whether you can get plastic thermostatic valves that would allow the water to heat so you won't end up with condensation
Oh wow, always wanted to try something like this! I guess if you manage to insulate everything enough condensation shouldn't be an issue?

How are you going to control it?
This is exactly the type of project I dreamnt of when I first got into building PC's, as above I'd love and update :)
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