Water chiller project

Chillers were quite popular back in the old days, these days I am not sure if they are worth the risk and power consumption for little gains.
Chillers were quite popular back in the old days, these days I am not sure if they are worth the risk and power consumption for little gains.

Yeah back in the early 2000's i had zero money to play with such ideas, i was on a prebuilt machine from Dell which i slapped a low end gpu in which lasted me quite awhile. Could only dream of going watercooling or buying a chiller.
Yeah back in the early 2000's i had zero money to play with such ideas, i was on a prebuilt machine from Dell which i slapped a low end gpu in which lasted me quite awhile. Could only dream of going watercooling or buying a chiller.
WC was much cheaper though - I remember using old Vauxhall radiator, used water block and aquarium pump. Probably all of that cost less than a few fittings now.
your need some neoprene to insulate. If your able to control the temp of the chiller you can set it to room temp and not need to worry about condensation
Are you looking for peek performance or just something different? Back in the XP-m days I ran a Vapochill on the CPU and a chiller on the GFX card - it was great fun so I definitely recommend it! However, chillers are always a tricky one as the can struggle with loads - not a problem if you are just looking to cool slightly below ambient (which also removes the condensation issue) - but if you are looking to achieve significantly below ambient temps, you will need to check the chiller can cope with your intended load. If memory serves, we used to compare the air temp infront of, and behind the rad to get an idea of the delta. If you push too hard, it overloads the system and goes horribly wrong. Maybe have a play with an old system first :D
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