water cooled ram?????

18 Oct 2002
Anyone tried water cooling their ram or even freezing it?
Surely I can't be the only nutcase to think of this..... someone?..... anyone?
Was thinking mainly sub zero cooling see if peeps could get them faster like CPU's....
A couple of years ago I went to canada for 6 months over winter....
it was below -10C out side and I pirched my PC on the window ledge with the window open.... CPU was a couple of degrees below and HD was just over....
got my system a hell of a lot faster including memory speed.... had a PC2100 run 350 (175).... where normally it struggled around pc2700.... CAS2....

Hence why I'm askin if anyone tried it?
ted34 said:
3/ The ram waterblocks are generally ver restrictive and so affect the entire loop too much

Why are people still thinking 1 dimentionally....
if I go for water cooling I'll have one loop for CPU ONLY and one for everything else.... I may well go a hell of a lot ferther....
Hello, were talking about getting the upmost out of your hardware.... stop with the mocking and think out-side the box.....
the reason WHY is simple.... it's called overclocking.... getting more out of your hardware....

Catch ma drift? ;)
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