Water cooling i7 + 480 kit advise.

FML!!! I had already just thought of that and switched off my machine to do it. I remember seeing it and checking it and my test fit went so well I didnt take the block off again. I cannot cannot cannot believe I did that!!! I will never live that down. I was kind of hoping to get away with it but you beat me back online with your answer before i could report a fix ;-P. Idle temp at the moment is 33C with a room temp of 26.5C so very happy with that. I will engage some prime 95 and some Overclocking in the next few days and let you all know how it goes. Thanks again and sorry for being a muppet. Also I need to write a short guide for anyone using the V12 kit as the OcUk one is woefully incomplete if you are new to the whole scene. Once I have written my tips and pointers I will post it in a new thread.

Glad you got it sorted, and don't forget the pics, we need piccies!
Ok I have had time to have a bit of a play with temps and OCing but only a light tinkering at the moment. With hyper threading and everything CPU wise turned on I am currently running my i7 920 D0 (2.6ghz bloomfield) at 3990Mhz 190x21 with a highest temp of 61C on my hottest core rest are tailed out at 59C. These were the highest recorded temps running prime 95 64bit for 2hrs with an ambient room temp of 26.5C idles temps are 35-37C. Temps were measured using core temp.

The build is still work in progress as I need to get dye, a window etc but here are the pics of it so far. I have even included a picture of my patent pending Cooling Active Technology (C.A.T) it works by impeding airflow from the fans ;-P

Radiator attachment and setup. I managed to attach the radiator to the top of the CM case's huge fans to extract air from the rad while the 3 120mm fans pull air in:


Watercooling system running without C.A.T:

Watercooling system running with C.A.T enabled.

Angled from back to front photo to see bay attachments.
Yeah with regards to the pump. I am going to drill another hole so I can mount it properly with two screws. Also annoyingly I mounted the 120mm fans when the case was upside down so when i flipped it the power cables were mb surface side rather than rear side which would have made them very easy to hide. Still a fair bit of work to do but its my company machine as well as my personal machine so I was more concerned about getting the whole thing back up and running. Re the C.A.T she likes the breeze from the fans I think and honestly if its means a i get 65C instead of 60C I can live with that. She doesn't sit on it when I'm gaming or doing video work as there is a lot of noise from my speakers. I just so nice and quiet now (until that stupid 480 prepares for take off) bring on the next generation of GPUs please so i can replace it.

Adsta I would very much recommend the Kit but be aware if you are new to Watercooling the instructions are really not very helpful. If you do decide to go down that avenue let me know and I can give you some pointers on what caused me issues. The kit its self is fantastic, it feels well made and that you can put some faith in it to do its thing.
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Looks nice ;D, cable management is terrible though :(. Good to hear its running smoothly ;D

There is no cable management yet ;-P I had to undo all my cable management as I had to take the MB out to take off the back of the case to get the radiator on to the big fans so everything is just loose at the moment. Everything had to be unplugged so its literally just reconnected for now.
Looks good but as everyone else has said you should spend 20-30 to get the cable management nice. Simple zip ties do a great job and will improve the air flow a bit.
is that.... is that an IDE cable I see :eek: I didnt even think they were still used now adays :p

Looks good tho, give piccys once you got the pump and cable management in too :)

It sure is an IDE cable running my trusty old LG DVD drive, I know they are only £20 or so now but its been a solid burner and still going strong so I have no cause to replace it. It also frees up a sata slot (I have 7 drives installed atm).

Once I am done testing the WC system fully and repositioned various components and sorted the case I will post some updated pics for you.
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