Water Cooling Question, Bleed Point?

26 Jan 2007
Leicester/The Toon

Well I finished my first ever w/c loop about 2 weeks ago and I've only just noticed that I need a bleed point!

So my question for you guys where could I create a bleed point with another peice of tubing?

Here is a pic of my loop, I would appreciate if someone could draw onto the pic where I should put...



-Matt :)
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If you mean a drainage point then fit a t-piece after the pump inlet as thats the lowest point in your loop.

I also hope you have good coolant in there as that res is aluminium and you have a copper block!
Thanks for that guys,

I'll just work out whether I really want/need a drainage point, don't suppose you could show me on the pick?

My Coolant is Feser one Cooling Fluid. Good/Bad?
Don't need a pic. The tube coming out of the front of your pump (not the top) is where I would put a drainage pipe.

NOTE : This will NOT help to bleed the system - it will simply make things easier when it comes to drain/change the coolant.
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