water leak

31 Dec 2005
Brilliant... downstairs neighbour complaining of some kind of water leak from my flat. One of his rooms is mildly affected (ceiling and bit of a wall nothing else)

I lifted a couple of floorboards in 2 bedrooms and yup theres puddles of water. Oh ****** Joy. :(

Hydro electric dude came over (warranty with centr heating pipework) he said couldnt find source. So need to lift all the floorboards to find the source.

Also just received a KB from a lady(email) i was supposed to be going out with (she previously said yes on the phone but has now changed her mind) :(

This is the one who flirted with me outrageously..... i guess it was for giggles.....

Not a good start to the day.
iCraig said:
Reply with:

"I can get an entire flat wet with ease, so imagine what I can do with you."

hehe nice one dude :D

Arranged for a joiner to come round and rip up floorboards to find out where the leak is coming from. Hopefully itll be from the central heating pipes because i have a warranty with them. (24hr callout etc)

Theres water under the floorboards from 2 bedrooms. 1 bedroom is directly above the flat downstairs bedroom which is the one affected by the water (ceiling and walls damp but not *that* bad which is why i suspect a slow leak)

Yeah KB = Knockback.

Originally on the phone she says yes she will go out but then later she says no via email? hrmm I thought there was some connection between us (when we met in person not "phone connection" heh) oh well sod.... tempted to give her another phone to check.....
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