Water tubing

28 Dec 2003
Ok I'm new at this water cooling lark and so I'm trying to learn but I have a question about barbs & tubing.

Am I right in thinking that it's best to have tubing with a slightly smaller diameter than the barbs to aid in getting a tight seal? If so what would people recommend? I was thinking of 1/2" OD barbs with either 3/8" or 7/16" ID tubing. Is this the way to go or am I missing something?
Thanks guys. Had already read about the hot water trick :)

Was intending to go with standard cable (zip) ties rather than jubilee clips as I've read that the latter can pinch and damage the ends of the tubing - not sure how genuine a concern this is.

While I'm here, does anyone have any links to some good noob guides on flushing/filling a complete system? Whilst I can put it all together without too much trouble, I'm a bit unclear on the best ways of filling the system without getting water everywhere and I've also read that it's best to flush out blocks and rads first to get rid of any initial debris from manufacture. Is this step necessary? Do I use normal tap water or distilled for flushing?

So many questions :)
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