Waterboy, lmao!!

Love the film, love Adam Sandler. Any thing by that guy has me in stitches. His best is Happy Gilmore.

The man is a genius
hilly said:
Love the film, love Adam Sandler. Any thing by that guy has me in stitches. His best is Happy Gilmore.

The man is a genius
No he isn't.

Watch 8 Crazy Nights.

I believe he wrote it, I know he starred in multiple if not all roles.

It is the worst film, without doubt, ever made.
Is this his latest?

last one i've seen with Adam Sandler was "Click". Pretty funny as well, especially when he changes the language of his boss to spanish...
No Waterboy was made years and years ago. Ive only just got round to watching it. If you havnt seen it then get it, im sure it can be had for a fiver :)
Wasn't he voted worst actor ever or something? i seem to remember reading this a few years back. Still enjoy his films though :)
brendy said:
Obviously you havent seen films like killing me softly and jacobs ladder then.
Doesn't matter. This would rank worst ever, I'm supremely confident.
Big Adam Sandler fan, granted he's done a couple of shockers but then most actors have. Happy Gilmore in particular is one of my favourite films

"Doing the Bull Dance, feeling the flow. Working it, working it."

It's that little eyebrow raise the guy does on the second 'working it' - superb :)
Gilly said:
Doesn't matter. This would rank worst ever, I'm supremely confident.
Surely Cabin fever pushes it close - or Ghost Ship (imho it's only saving grace is the cable scene at the beginning)...
Majago said:
Surely Cabin fever pushes it close - or Ghost Ship (imho it's only saving grace is the cable scene at the beginning)...
Nope, both are far better than 8 crazy nights. I promise you.
Majago said:
Surely Cabin fever pushes it close - or Ghost Ship (imho it's only saving grace is the cable scene at the beginning)...
absolutely fantastic if a little gruesome, the way all the bits of bodies slide off is so realistic, they hit the ground with a deep splat too.
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