Waterboy, lmao!!

semi-pro waster said:
Eh, he isn't actually in Cabin Fever, it was simply mentioned as one of the worst films ever. Now if he had been in it, I would unquestionably agree with the ranking of it being the worst film ever.

Majogo, I'm not totally sure why I hate Crazy Beautiful so much but I'm not about to watch it again to find out. :)

Oops, I assumed it was called that, the titles being of a similar theme, but I actually meant "Going Overboard". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096870/
I regretted renting that out.
Dr_Evil said:
Hmm... i guess tastes differ...
Apparantly not, Gilly seems certain we should all have the same opinion of this 8 Crazy Nights flick :p

Waterboy is definetly on my list of top films, it always makes me laugh without fail.

AS may not be an amazing actor, but he does always manage to get a laugh out of me so I'm happy.
I loved Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy and Mr Deeds.

Don't like his later ones though.

Shooter McGavin - "I eat pieces of **** like you for breakfast"
Happy Gilmore - "You eat pieces of **** for breakfast?"

classic. :)
Fear and loathing is only good if you have taken drugs tbh, if not, its too random for most people to understand.
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