If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread then don't post in the hope it gets trashed because you think it has potential for something other than what im asking.
I think it would be a total waste of my time especially since i'm not on a meter.
Rain water tastes nicer and is healthier though
And it was just 1 or 2 years ago i remember laughing at you lot for somehow managing to be in a drought
Top tip though - it's all good saving water for when there's a dry period, but the drums often get things clogged up / growing in them.
When you eventually get round, after a bit of hot dry weather, to having to use the water stored up you'll find it stinks. :/
No way seriously. All the crap in the air now is collected in rain water as it falls. If you let it rain for 10 minutes before you collect then yes it will be fairly clean.
Its funny years ago (like 20+) rain water was suggest to be harvested for keeping tropical fish as it was cleaner than mains water, thats very much NOT the advice now. Rain water is pretty much a death sentance for your fish if untreated.
I'm sure you can, though it somewhat negates the whole point if you're spending a large outlay, and probably some more to maintain it no?
Think most people just connect a drum, with a pipe upto their roof.