Watercooled PC with 2 years without changing the liquid cause I'm scared?

29 Jul 2013
Have a custom loop going on but my mayhem liquid has been in there for 2 years without maintenance. Scared to change it myself and the company I got it from needs to sent out to them which I can't cause I work on it. Any ideas of what I can do?
Does it have a drain port installed at all?

It looks like this haven't check the other side but is it likely to be there?

Is it causing any issues system wise ? Temps ok ?

If the coolant looks ok and not seperated or lumpy and temps and flow are ok then leave it as it is.
Why would you send it anywhere for a change of liquids? Half the fun of watercooling is tinkering with it. Just be careful and ur good.
The tube at the bottom that goes round the back of the mobo tray have you checked if they've added a drain there or quick release?
Hey dudes sorry current on holiday but to answer your questions the system and temps are still perfectly fine and yes its 2 custoom loops for cpu and gpu.

I havent checked the back of the pc yet
The loop looks really nice btw.
and err i would youtube how to drain for tips etc then get loads of tissue and try it. but its up to you.
if you get it from a company I would hope it had a drain port they should have thought out the loop enough that your maintenance insnt to bad
I built a loop on the cheap using 2nd hand parts. I didn't put a drain port or anything as I couldn't be bothered. I didn't drain if for a couple of years or so, but then did a gpu upgrade so I thought, great! I can actually drain and flush it now.

Popped out the gpu and unplugged the mini res / pump, but hardly any water came out as it was all still in the rads.... tried to flush some water through but couldn't make it work.

That was a couple of years ago, so the bulk of the fluid has probably been in the loop for like 4 years. Fortunately, nothing bad has happened, at least nothing that I can see anyway. I'm just running deionised water + a drop of some kind of adative though.
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