WD 36 gig 8mb raptor owners in here please...

11 Mar 2004
im trying to find out if its worth me keeping this drive or if i should just go sell it on that auction site...

basically i bought it from MM for £37 and after running this bench tool on it

click this to download diskspeed32

i have surmised that its only about 8 to 10% faster than my current 200 gig seagate barracuda sata :( which begs the question, why are these still so expensive if for the same money, you can buy a 160 gig sata 2 drive which should be faster...
wizardmaxx said:
The 16mb versions are quite a bit faster than the 8mb versions. Also 10% difference is quite a lot considering that hard drives are the slowest component in the system (barr dvd, stiffy, etc.) Why did u buy it anyways, impulse ?

no, i always wanted a raptor and now people are selling the 36 gig drives on MM for £37, nobody told me there were 2 types :( i feel a little conned.
im getting 58mbs sustained here verses my barracuda at 49mbps sustained... hell if the test was longer than ten minutes it may well of sunk lower than that.

so in your opinion smids, should i just flog the raptor and buy an sata 2 drive ?
smids said:
That's pretty good for a 36GB tbh.

Umm, well it's up to you. As a windows/programs drive, for 37 quid, it's good. Everything will feel nippier and load faster thanks to the access times.

im sitting here with a mildly ammused look on my face as im watching this raptor running through a 30 minutes test and its sustained write is actually going up... not down... never seen a drive do that before O.o currently avg 59mbps, current speed 61 / 62mbps

i will be honest and states that i bought this drive mainly for battlefield 2, im so sick and tired of "verifying client data: please wait"
my results pretty much match what smids said. 49.7mbps... so its more the access time thats the jewel in the crown ?

i bought it mainly to speed windows XP booting up and to put battlefield 2 on it in the vain hope that it will load faster...
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