WD 74 Gig Raptor

5 Nov 2004
I have had this in my machine for months now. Since day one I thought " Jezz How loud is it" Im not sure that I am mega happy with it. You can hear it constantly when its accessed! It reminds me of my old Maxtor drives which were just like this. Non of my Sata WD 7,200 drives are loud at all.

I guess they are suppose to be loud huh? I would love to find out that they are infact suppose to be quiet!
They would be louder cos of the faster rpms I guess but it could also be down to the way you attached it to your case. Are you using rubber gromets or not? That might help. Also you could try bungeeing it?
mines really quiet, not much louder than my samsung sp120.
Was really worried about it after hearing everyone say how loud they were, no louder than my artic freezer
That's why people need to spend money on a good quality case. The fit will be more secure and it closes together with a nice tight seal.

I can barely hear mine, only if it is being defragmented will I notice it :)
They are noisy, no doubt about it. Mine's the loudest thing in my system, but the rest of my system is extremely quiet which makes it more noticeable.

My housemate's Raptor is hardly noticeable in his system, but he has about twice as many fans in his and they all run quite fast, whereas mine are all 120mm and undervolted.

Noise-dampening measures such as rubber grommets do help a lot.
Pick a good case, run larger/slower fans if you need any (7v mod is perfect for most), paxmate (or similar) the sides, remove the punched out fan guards and replace with the minimal wire units if you need them, rubber grommets, and if you must shove it in a noise deadening enclosure. All of that and a little bit of luck (drives do vary quite a bit the first 36Gb raptor I had was quiet compared to the 2nd yet they were both 1st gen drives) and you should have a quiet drive.
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