WD My book studio edition - won't wake up/dead

18 Oct 2002
I have a 500gb WD my book studio edition which was an RMA replacement for a My Book Pro that died.

I have barely used it apart from as a dumping space occasionally. However, now it is stuck with a white light on, but no sign of disk activity. So the question is, has it died again? or are the some tricks I can try in OSX to bring it back to life so i can copy the stuff off it?

I've tried it on windows and it won't play ball either via USB and FW.
Probably has died, these drives are complete junk. I've had so many fail I just have no trust in them any more.
thought thats the case, this will be mybook number 5 to have failed.

think the next replacement will be getting sold straight away, any recommendations for something more robust?
I think I've had six replacements all in all, 3 drives each failed twice.

Not sure about a reliable replacement I'm afraid - but pretty much anything should be better than these :rolleyes:
the quality of them is laughable. I've had this one about 2 months and used it 4 times I think and its died already

trouble is I'll struggle to sell it without feeling guilty that it will just die in a few months.
not sure how u guys operate your mybooks, but ive had mine for 1 and a half years now and it never failed on me (fingers crossed!)

Mine just sat on the shelf, died after a few months and I got the ache with it and hoisted it out of the window. All I ended up keeping was the USB to SATA interface bit.
not sure how u guys operate your mybooks, but ive had mine for 1 and a half years now and it never failed on me (fingers crossed!)

Mine just sat at the back of my HTPC case with various media on it and died 3 times before I decided to gaybay the 4th one and buy something more reliable.
Recently bought a 750g Mybook Studio Ed
After reading this thread I think id best pick up another one myself and get everything backed up :/

One of the LEDS has gone on mine already (Ive had it maybe 1.5 - 2 months).
Not a major issue but a bit of a shame.

On a side note...Im quite new to OCUK in terms of posting, but Ive been lurking for about 9 yrs on and off especially the Mac forums specifically over the last year and a half.

So Hello *wave*
Just over a year back I was after a laptop and spent a lot of time reading through these forums. Ended up getting a Macbook Pro.
You lot have made me spend a lot fo money :) . hehe

It's better to buy a cheap USB/SATA caddy and whack in old drives.

Each time I upgrade I chuck the "old" drive in the caddy and use it as an emergency backup. Currently have a 160GB WD drive that was removed from a work machine. Tip: Do not stack it high up in a cupboard.. mine decided it was going to become a kamakazi pilot and smashed me on the head as it fell out :(

I also had a WD MyBook drive, but I eBayed it before it failed on me.
I use Glyph drives, expensive yes but built like the proverbial brick out house and have a great next day replacement service - not that I've had one fail in the last 6 years yet.
Personally the whole experience I've had with my 'mybook studio edition' is among the worst I've had in 10 years of buying computer hardware.

The build quality is cheap and nasty - the power on/off switch does nothing and the outer plastic flimsy. Acoustically it performs terribly, there is zero insulation, even between the drive mountings and the casing. The power management is terrible, it switches on and off probably two or three times an hour for no reason whatsoever. Contact with WD support was ridiculously slow in frequency with a single question asked on each occasion then four or five day wait - this despite the fact I stated the details of the problem from the outset.

I've many a time said these drives are garbage and the internet is full of bad reviews, yet people still recommend them here simply because they've had theirs for two months with no problems. I made the mistake of buying this in a rush without researching it, basically it was a waste of money.

Had mine for ages and not had an issue.

I just plug it in when I want it (time machine for example) and then often it gets unplugged for several days at a time so it doesn't get much of a duty cycle.
I do much the same. I use it every time I switch on my computer to back up using Time Machine, then eject the noisy piece of garbage.
I've many a time said these drives are garbage and the internet is full of bad reviews, yet people still recommend them here simply because they've had theirs for two months with no problems. I made the mistake of buying this in a rush without researching it, basically it was a waste of money.

I'll raise your two months to:

500Gb: 21 Months
1TB FW800: 10 months :)
Yeah, they last for ages if you unplug them. :)

My point though is the built quality and firmware being very poor, plus the failure rate reportedly high. The two months reference was some irritating prat in another thread.
Find me a FW800 HD out there for the same price as the WD and i'd buy it.

Im not paying £20/30+ more for something that has been around for over 2 years now!
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